slut test?

runswithscissors's Avatar
borrowed this from another forum if you have not seen it. It takes a few minutes, but it is fun.

Damn, I am 86% slut!
Well I am 63% slut, lol I don't know how that happened...
82 percent. Sweet...
82% Slut
Taurus99's Avatar
84....I dont consider myself a big ladies man...i just like sex...dont need a test to tell me that i guess...women are can i say no?
atxbrad's Avatar
81% here. I actually expected more from myself. Guess I have to practice more.
Dang - only 62%...

Ok ladies, here's your chance. Corrupt me!
GenesisNicole's Avatar
I'm 81% slut!!! WooHoo!

~Genesis Nicole~
blenderhead's Avatar
Only 62%. Sounds like I have some work to do.
rCoder's Avatar
Ah man, I failed!

86% slut. Damn.
thegj's Avatar
  • thegj
  • 05-14-2010, 07:38 AM
70 % about right for an old guy thegj
InU's Avatar
  • InU
  • 05-14-2010, 08:09 AM
I'm over 4/5th's slut @ 81%. Sounds about right.
missi hart's Avatar
110%---i thought that was impossible
Dick Diamond's Avatar
51 percent,I suck. I'll try harder next time