Almost made a huge mistake

BoobsmanBoobs's Avatar
Since I have been hobbying the last few years I have noticed that when I am leaving an incall and I see the donation envelope I instinctively want to pick it up and put it back in my pocket. It's not that I am trying to rip off the lady it's that I came with it and in doing my mental check making sure I am not leaving anything for a moment I want to pick it up. I was leaving from a session the other day and really got my brains F'd out and I found myself reaching for the envelope. I stopped myself but damn would that have been bad or what?

I think I should start thinking about where I leave the donation so I do not see it on the way out. If I see it I want to pick it up. Anyone else have this problem?

VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I can understand that...I have even said a time or two when making sure nothing is left behind... dont forget your envelope.. because I have a habit when someone tries to hand it to me I say you can put your belongings on any table in the room and like you said brains have been scrammbled
LadiesFan's Avatar
Have you tried leaving the envelope on a table all by itself.. and putting the rest of your stuff on another table?

BoobsmanBoobs's Avatar
I never put the envelope next to my stuff. It's just that in my mind I think I brought that don't forget it, not thinking of what it is. I always come to my senses and leave it where it lies so far. I always leave the donation on the first table or counter I see and excuse myself to the bathroom whether I need it or not. That way they can count it if they want. I just need to make sure I put it away from my path out of the incall. I only think about taking it if I see it.