The most important car part...

Headlights....I'm just sayin'. I like them.... a lot.
SlowHand49's Avatar
High-beams are always important . . .

Also rather fond of the trunk . . .
LOL! Trunks are good too
Caracter's Avatar
High beams are wonderful, a well maintained trunk is a absolute. However I must say that the well heeled Lady driver that knows her curves and how to work the stick while steering it home REALLY has my attention...
SlowHand49's Avatar
*rolls all four windows down*
The most important car part...the keyhole, especially if it's nice and clean.
Rear ends with a hot rod!!
jsparrow's Avatar
Mmmmm. Fuel Injection System!
Iceman's Avatar
The hell with the car, let's talk about guys and their great forearms! And their hairy chests! Yum!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
The most important car part... the driver/s
SlowHand49's Avatar
Then there's always the jack . . . usually stored in the trunk . . .
Gryphon's Avatar
The onboard computer that keeps the fuel flowing, all cylinders hitting in rhythm, and the RPMs close to, but not over redline through sequential upshifts.
DallasRain's Avatar
mmmmmmmm Tiff babe..thats my kinda girl!!!

I love headlights/bumpers/rear ends/gas pedals/chasis/etc....BUT I love a Dyna Glide even better!!!!!!
pyramider's Avatar
The rubbers . . . I mean the tires.