***Review questions for the fellas.***

sovanna's Avatar
Not sure if this has been asked before. But about how many reviews do you read before you decide to see the lady? Or if she don't post enough reviews do you go back and search her name to read some more? I know I post a lot of links to my reviews in my ads. So just curious on your thoughts.
TinMan's Avatar
It varies. If the review is from someone I respect, it may take just one.
You cannot read the reviews of the girls that are new as they do not have any or they may have one or two. My decision is based on on recent the reviews, also who the reviewers are, as well as the consistency, the more the better, but usually 4 or 5 is a good number for me to make an informed decision
daty/o's Avatar
It varies. If the review is from someone I respect, it may take just one. Originally Posted by TinMan
I agree. Especially if the reviewer and I share similar tastes. Reviews help me determine to what extent a provider is ymmv.
warlock's Avatar
Something to keep in mind. Since the ladies aren't supposed to have access to the ROS portion of the review, theoretically, they only know if they have a yes or no recommendation in a review. Of course, being part of a session, they would have an idea of how the session went that the review was based on.
Still, I've seen linked reviews in provider ads that had very little useful information, so if your question is how many reviews should you link to in an ad, keep in mind that not all of them may have enough useful information. To ad to BigDog's reply, 4 or 5 useful reviews with adequate information. One may have to read quite a few more than that to get the information they are seeking.
Good question

I've wondered about this myself.
The Proper Stranger's Avatar
Anywhere from 0 to 20. There are a LOT of variables when it comes to factoring in reviews while trying to decide on a provider.

Who writes the reviews in question is a big one. As others have already mentioned, if the lady's got a review from a particular gent I trust and/or know to have similar tastes, it may just take the one. On the flip side, if she's got a review from certain reviewers, that can be enough for me to move on without even looking at more reviews.

Then there's the matter of how old the reviews are. Recent reviews tell about current performance, but older reviews can be just as useful to tell if the lady has a consistent track record, or has some skeletons in the closet that might be enough to send me away.

As far as reviews linked in ads: I ignore them. Those are the ones the lady's hand picked to try to put herself in the best light. If I want an accurate picture, I'm going to do my own searching and dig through a decent selection of reviews.

And finally, keep in mind that reviews aren't the only source of information. There's been one or two ladies I've seen just based on word of mouth. There have been a lot more I've steered clear of for the same reason. Guys talk. Girls talk too.
RoDunn's Avatar
If it's someone I'm interested in seeing, I will usually at least scan all the reviews she has linked to in her ad, but then I'll do a search for additional reviews to make sure they are, for the most part, consistent. I believe in doing a lot of research.
Eklutna's Avatar
I like to scan at least ten to look for consistency. If that test is passed then I look more carefully at the details to see if the lady will likely he a match for my tastes. If the lady is an active poster I read a lot of her posts to gauge education level, personality, interests, etc.
timothe's Avatar
I do it backassward. I chose the woman first, then look for reviews. I will generally see her if there are no bad reviews and I like her ad.
airlineguy12's Avatar
Samwise , I mean Timothe, I do it the same way. Pick a provider or body type I want to see then go thru the reviews, and will check comments posted by the provider in other forms as well, if they have any. It has taken as few as one YES review, if it is from someone I trust or if they are from unknowns maybe 3 or 4 good votes. I can overlook a no or two as long as the good reviews balance it out and the no is not horrible. I know we all have our good and bad days and that sometimes two people for whatever reason just do not click.

I have been very lucky to date with this, far more great times than below average ones.
Adonis's Avatar
I agree with TinMan - It only takes one from someone I know that isn't full of BS. I'll read as many as I can if I want to see a lady and I don't recognize any of her reviewers or maybe the first review I read is a little off.
rachet3375's Avatar
as many as it takes to form an informed decision. Sometimes just one, sometimes as many as I can find. most of the time just a couple or three from guys I think are forthright and unbiased.
Sir Lancelot's Avatar

I think the way you are linking reviews in your ads is just about perfect.

It allows a guy to read several in order to get a feeling about your style and your consistency. In fact one thing that is obvious from your reviews is how consistent - and sensual - you are. That is very important to most guys.

Whenever a new provider appears she needs a few reviews for a different reason - to establish credibility. A review from 2 or 3 known hobbyists is very important in that regard.

Just be sure to keep some fairly recent reviews among the links - and then include a few - even older ones - that got good responses from established hobbiests.

Thanks for always being so kind on the board. I admire you and your style.

Good question

I've wondered about this myself. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
me too!
i just keep forgetting to link them in my ads