Teeth Clamped Around the Boys!

Had a Provider affording me this wonderful BJ when she moved down in a different direction. It'd been such a great session that I figured "what the Hell, let's see what she's got in mind" and I closed my eyes to relish the moment. Next thing I knew I felt her hot breath "down there" and then her pearly-whites pulling my boys inside. I was OK with this, thinking she was about to use her talented tongue but then the teeth kept scraping along.....and biting down a bit more. I was wincing a bit as she used her teeth to bear down on the twins but figured I'd give it a shot. Eventually it ended up being one of the best BJ's I've had in a while but I have to admit I was about to come up with a safe word and call BPS (Balls Protective Service) if her teeth got any more aggressive.

Is this something unusual? Should I have expected a "heads up" or perhaps a "See if you like this?" from the young lady before my boys eneded up feeling like a couple of doughnut holes at a cop rally?
DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
She yanked her teeth on your balls??
Is this what I'm reading??

Some guys like penis/balls torture, I've done that before
& she was headed in that direction, especially if you felt
like you needed a safe word. But biting, tugging, pinching..
all types of things that make you wince at the thought, yea.

Teeth, at any time for me, I give a heads up..
gently pulling the teeth over your head before
nibbling with my lips, different story there.

I don't think using a little teeth is unusual but if it's vampiresque -
I'd rethink it.
Count me in the group that thinks Teeth and Balls should NEVER Meet...Lick, Suck Even Roll Them around with your Tongue.. Bite, Scrape, Punch, Slap, Even say Harsh Words to the Boys, I'm Out...
I've never gnawed on them, but for a few years I dated a guy who loved having the skin on his balls scraped with my teeth while sucking, and the harder the better. Not biting, scraping while sucking. I am confused now. Is this a WALDT activity? If I have ever hurt anyone's sac, I apologize! It was unintentional! I was told by him, teeth on the shaft BAD, teeth on the sac, GOOD....So I am gonna plead ignorance on this one.
A little off topic but related. There was a bar near the joint strike force on Mindanao (US advisers/local constabulary), the bar tender was some old china sailor that retired and never went back to the US. As johns would go upstairs with bar girls the Mama San would tell them to look what will happen to you if you cum in her mouth, the bar tender would whip his Johnson out, the first time I saw it I thought I was going to throw up. Couldn't even get a BJ for months, to this day if I feel teeth I get a cold sweat.
pyramider's Avatar
Is chewing the in thing?
jellybean1's Avatar
Holy Christ...my voice shot up two octaves just reading this...lol. I would definately not let this go that far. Like Diana said, that is nearing gonad torture and if it wasnt requested for me it would not be welcome...my 2cents