Airport Connection

  • enki
  • 09-29-2010, 02:36 PM
Long time ASPD member and moderate poster getting back into the hobby.

I need some advice.

I flew back into town yesterday finding myself without a ride home so I called the supershuttle. They directed me to a location and picked me right up and I climbed in behind two guys in the front bench. We chatted a bit while heading over to another terminal for a pick up. When we arrived at our stop the door opened up to a girl with one of the most rockin bodies I've seen in a while. She climbed in and sat next to me and we talked a bit. Something was really familiar about her and she said she had been out of town(i won't reveal location here) for about a month.

The shuttle driver asked her to confirm the area she was to be dropped off at and my senses were alerted again when she confirmed as the area she was to be dropped off in was one I had seen three different providors before. We talked some while on the way. She seem to know a lot about area hotel locations and when we arrived at her location it was the same apartment building I had seen two other providors at.

So, I got home and did a little research and found her post on this website for the area she had just visited! She had been there on tour but is based in DFW. Sweet! I'd really like to see this girl so......

My question is:

1. Do I contact her first and disclose our previous meeting up front? or

2. Contact her and say nothing until I arrive at the appointment?

I don't want to freak her out so I am looking at advice from both sides of the hobby.
pyramider's Avatar
Go #2.
The truth shall set you free.
I agree with RP. Tell her upfront, it's not a big deal, not like you know her from real life or anything. It's kind of a cute-ish story, as cute as one can get for the hobby. It will make for a great icebreaker and give you two something to talk about in between pops .

As a provider, what would be weird for me is if you didn't say anything, made an appointment and just showed up saying "remember me?!". Stalker-ish. Just tell her exactly what you said here. Trust me. You'll probably get some good mileage out of it

Go for it! She might end up being an ATF, you never know!
I concur with Dannie. I called a well known provider on this board who has shown clear face photos for years and told her over the last two months I had a) seen her having drinks with a friend at a bar near my house at the time and b) having a full on make out session with some dude in baggage claim at DFW. Of course, I didn't approach her either time and b) above got me to make the call.

We had a good chuckle over it. Care to PM me with who she is?

  • enki
  • 09-30-2010, 10:09 AM
Thanks for the feedback. I'll post a review after I see her and let you know how it turned out.
berkleigh's Avatar
I meet more hot men in the damn airport then I do anywhere!