This forum has deteriorated.

At one time this forum was used to tell hobbyist where to get the best value and service. Agendas were for coed discussions where they could be freely discussed. Treesnot and Win dickless have successfully destroyed the forum with the help of the "so callelled" monitors. Notice how reviews have dropped off. Those 2 have made fools of the mod with their lies.
Can they express their opinions, yes but in the correct forum. Instead the spineless mod encourage them. W
winn dixie's Avatar
Trying to suppress free speech? ANYTHING spa/amp related whether discussions or reviews belong here.
Insults and disrespecting mod/staff is not allowed.
Kamisearch's Avatar
I mean this forum has gone down hill a while ago. Mods have made it clear they don't mind those 2 posting whatever they want, so only thing you can really do is add them to ignore list and move on. Calling them names and giving them the attention they seek through posts and polls like this won't help though. If anything, it's fuel for trolls to keep trolling.
Well ignoring isn't doing anything either! The mods need to do their job.
Opossum's Avatar
I think the AMP section should be removed altogether. We can't review the massage parlors anymore. None of mamasans want to be reviewed because it brings nothing but unwanted attention. It seems that guys are now respecting their wishes and not sharing any info except for a few we already know about. Without reviews, all we are left with is treesnot and wendydickless.
Kamisearch's Avatar
Well ignoring isn't doing anything either! The mods need to do their job. Originally Posted by Otisdriftwood
The mods would have banned these 2 ages ago if they were rule breaking. And you can't honestly be that stupid in saying ignoring isn't doing anything. The only reason I ever see these 2 anymore is because people like you are dumb enough to keep quoting these guys and making new threads about them. Do everyone a favor and ignore list them and stop talking to and about them. Treat their threads like these ridiculously oversized provider's ads.
There is a very useful feature of the system. It is called the "ignore list".

I am amazed at how much more pleasant some other topics became after I added a few inDUHvidual accounts to it.
AnimalHouse's Avatar
+1 Opossum
Opossum's Avatar
Trying to suppress free speech? ANYTHING spa/amp related whether discussions or reviews belong here.
Insults and disrespecting mod/staff is not allowed. Originally Posted by winn dixie
I can agree that there is a lot of name calling. But it's not offensive
Opossum's Avatar
Trying to suppress free speech? ANYTHING spa/amp related whether discussions or reviews belong here.
Insults and disrespecting mod/staff is not allowed. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Don't think free speech applies here
Don't think free speech applies here Originally Posted by Opossum
Correct free speech does not apply. Congress has made no law to prohibit your comments look at the poll results they all agree, out them in coed. As for the insult s now you run to the mods. You and tt deserve every insult. No one cares about what you say. More people should stand up to you and comment on your no fact info. Mod go ahead and ban me but also do your function and require these 2 to post to the correct forum. You have move many for less.
winn dixie's Avatar
Correct free speech does not apply. Congress has made no law to prohibit your comments look at the poll results they all agree, out them in coed. As for the insult s now you run to the mods. You and tt deserve every insult. No one cares about what you say. More people should stand up to you and comment on your no fact info. Mod go ahead and ban me but also do your function and require these 2 to post to the correct forum. You have move many for less. Originally Posted by Otisdriftwood
Again with the correct forum? This is the correct forum for all things amp/spa related whether discussion or review.
Things getting to hott? Ignore feature has been recommended !
I looked around other cities amp reviews and Austin in the only one tolerating this crap from the like of treesnot and winn dickless.yes you can choose to ignore them thinking they will go away. That aint goingto happen. I strongly urge everyone to reach out to mods and ask tt and wd opinion rants be convined to coed. Other cities mods control this crap. Take our forum back! Other cities have a lot more postings about true amp visits no all this CRAP
winn dixie's Avatar
I looked around other cities amp reviews and Austin in the only one tolerating this crap from the like of treesnot and winn dickless.yes you can choose to ignore them thinking they will go away. That aint goingto happen. I strongly urge everyone to reach out to mods and ask tt and wd opinion rants be convined to coed. Other cities mods control this crap. Take our forum back! Other cities have a lot more postings about true amp visits no all this CRAP Originally Posted by Otisdriftwood
No question to me why youre so riled up!
Why do you wanna suppress free speech and differing opinions?
As far as the "other" spa forums have you looked at Dallas?
Thats multi handled promoters fighting against each other.
Opossum's Avatar
all spa info should be in the mens lounge or in pm. there are several classyL1 spas i go to. a mamasan texted me to stop by and meetnew girl. on the way out she assured me that they were strictly l1 but if more happened to shut my mouth tip well and be sweet or i wasn't welcomed back. i only told one person because he told me about this place and potential in the 1st place and nos how to act. the fs and dt dont mind reviews but if reviewed others they will find out and bann you. The other bored does excellent job keeping info on the ultra dl