When the drunk girl spends the night

OK, so I am sure the guys are probably gonna ridicule me a bit on this one, but I would also like to hear the Ladies opinions. So here goes:

One of my favorite girls from the local Titty Bar occsionally will call me for a ride to work or sometimes for a ride home. She is a Dancer, not a Provider. Last night she texted me and said her boyfriend was being a jerk and asked me to give her a ride to work. So nice guy that I am I went and picked her up and brought her to work.

Anyway, about 10 pm she called me crying and asked me to take her home. I went and picked her up. She said her asshole boyfriend had broken up with her by text message, and that she had been crying all night and the manager sent her home.

So I start driving toward her place when she asked me to let her come home with me. OK. Wow! I of course said yes and turned around and took her to my place. Problem is she is so upset, she is crying, she clearly has had way too much to drink, and she is asking me to hold her. So that's what I did, I just held her and tried to console her. She spent the night with me, but I did not even try for sex. It just didn't feel right to do so.

So I am asking both the Ladies and the guys this: am I an idiot? Or did I do the right thing? Was there an alternative option I missed out on? Will this possibly help me get laid at a later date? Or did I just blow a golden opportunity?
She has some level of trust in you. To have taken advantage of her would have broken that trust.

Your opportunities for sex may not have ended. Preying on someone when they are vulnerable is despicable, but continuing to be a trusted friend may enhance opportunities for the future. Notice, I said opportunities, plural.
atlcomedy's Avatar
get in the game...if you are going to play at least get your dick wet...

She is a Dancer, not a Provider
I think you made the right decision, why ruin her trust in you by trying to get some. One day that dancer may surprise you and give you some revenge sex( when the boyfriend piss her again). How does that sound? lol

I don't know some women are strange, when not pressured, we give it easily, damn Jedi mind tricks....lol.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I would say that you did the right thing.

Having sex with a girl who is crying and distraught is not having sex in the right way.

You'd only be taking advantage of her and she would not be into it.

Comforting the girl for that night may develop into a deeper relationship and if the sex happens then it will be so much better for you and for her.

The hard part would be to keep your lower nature in check while your higher nature manages the situation.
Judge Smails's Avatar
Of course you did the right thing, imho
ANONONE's Avatar

I think you did the right thing. Chivalry is a lost art.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Did the right thing. Of course, she'll end up back with her loser boyfriend leaving you high and dry, but hey at least you won't be compared to Ben Roethlisberger
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
It's my guess that the women reading this are giving you proverbial brownie points left and right. I am.

You did the right thing. (Of course, like altcomedy said, you could have at least gotten a little something wet. lol!)

Being a gentleman is never a bad move. Bravo...

Been there done that, and yes, she went back to loser boyfriend. You would have regretted it if you did....

Magnetron's Avatar
You did the moral ("right") thing... but you didn't do the practical right thing. Look, she's not a little girl... she gave you every invitation and you acted like a ... nice guy... Gawd, the death knell.. FUCK HER (literally, that's what she she was offering you)...
TexTushHog's Avatar
You unquestionably and without any doubt did the correct thing. No "if's", "and's", or "but's" about it. Period.
U made the right decision Now if she came onto u thats different then Id say go for it
JohnnyPool's Avatar
I'd rather hear from the ladies on this one. There's plenty of guys around here, including me, who "did the right thing".

Idiot ? No. It's a good thing to listen to your conscience. And there are always alternative options that we miss. But from my experience, "get laid at a later date.." ain't going to happen. If it ain't that loser, it'll be another one. I hope you prove me wrong Mr. Omaha.

Of all the times I went through that, I always second guessed the times I took the high road and regretted the times I didn't.
*shaking my head*
What a poll...