That smell???

What is that smell, and that taste? As a gentleman who likes to perform oral sex on an attractive, clean lady I have been turned off several times by a noticeable smell and taste which is EXACTLY THE SAME. I have never had this happen to me in real life.

Is it the taste/smell of latex condoms from an earlier visit? Yuck! Or do ladies use some kind of spermicide (or something)? It's horrible, mood killing and, quite frankly, sickening.

What the fvck is it?
I've noticed under certain circumstances I can smell my own breath. Which normally is not possible. Thats why most people who have bad breath dont know it. Maybe under these special circumstances (eating pussy) your actual smelling your own breath? Jus saying'
pickupkid's Avatar
Cleanness is next to is important for both partners to be clean.
Not my breath. Not a normal pussy smell. It is a foreign smell, created by something. If it was my breath, I'd eat a clove of garlic prior to the session because that would be an improvement. But I am always minty fresh, from head to toe, inside and out.
I am always told I smell and taste great while they are smiling from ear to ear~
but then again I am a low volume Lady~
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I too have noticed a peculiar smell from a girl's vagina that smells like the oil used in canned tuna and it turned me off, but the girl seemed not to even notice.

The thing is that this is really a delicate subject to discuss with the lady, but I went on a quest to discover exactly what the source of this smell was.

After a long time I was able to determine exactly what that peculiar smell is.

It happens after a girl is getting over her period.

The smell is caused by the ovulation process.

Nothing to worry about. Just time your entry before her period or about a week after her period and you're good.
If the woman has the "fish" smell described by Fast Gunn, then she has something called Bacterial Vaginosis, or BV. The reason that it happens sometimes after a period is that blood has a basic pH, and it upsets the natural acidic pH of the vagina (about 4.5). Raising the pH of the vagina allows the BV to set in; those particular unfriendly bacteria cannot thrive at a pH of 4.5.
So, it is not normal for a woman to smell like that after her period; the only difference around that time should be a slightly metallic taste due to the iron in the traces of blood left over.
Barneyrubble, you did not describe exactly what you experienced here. Was it the fishy smell from BV, or was it something else? I suppose you could be right about it being related to appointments prior to yours. The lubrication on some condoms is incredibly bitter, and latex isn't the most delicious thing, either.
High Five to Miss China Doll.

A little research goes a long way Mr. Rubble.

I'm just sayin'


It is not the fish smell. it definitely seems like it is caused by an exterior substance, like a condom, spermacide, etc. On the ladies who have had it, the odor is exactly the same. I mean exactly.

I actually mentioned it to two ladies cause I basically had to stop the session to barf (exaggeration), and was so curious because of its regularity. They didn't seem to have any explanation. But I know what I know, and there is something going on.

I dont know jack about this, but is there such a thing as spermacide? Or maybe some kind of pre sex birth control that is popular among the ladies here?
Thanks, Maribel! I like to stay informed on everything I can.
Research what exactly, Maribel?
VitaMan's Avatar
just curious what is the average time length of a period, and is it pretty consistent
among everyone ? i thought it is about 7-9 days

i was advised the normal state is not to have any particular odor or smell.....
VitaMan, it's more like 5-7 days. The "normal" state is not devoid of odor or smell. Each woman has her own unique aroma and taste. The taste is usually slightly tangy due to the acidic nature of the vagina. It should not be unpleasant.
  • hd
  • 03-19-2010, 02:53 PM
I agree with China, if it were a condom, you will know it. I like to mix it up with fucking and daty, back and forth, and condom smell and taste are the same. I'll sometimes take a bottle of flavored lube to help
how would I know it was a condom? Can't say I have ever had one of those in my mouth.