Providers and volume....

Cpalmson's Avatar
The thread about rates: high vs low got me thinking about a question I've had for long time. Out of pure morbid curiosity, on average how many clients per day do providers usually see? I ask based on 2 factors. I ask first from an economic perspective. How many clients does a provider need to see on avg (per day or per week) to be economically viable? Second, do providers base rates on their desired volume-- i.e. are you willing to have lower rates an see more clients in order to have a broader base, or would you have higher rates knowing the client pool will be smaller yet providing less volume? I've seen a lot of provider who advertise as low volume (1 or at most 2 clients) per day with rates around $300-400/hour. Just curious how you providers determine economic viability.
okcdude1971's Avatar
Good question, I think it depends how the lady is used to living, does she want to drive a Lexus or is a Honda okay? Still it comes down to simple Economics of supply and demand.
swpaul's Avatar
i believe another factor may be, does the provider do this fulltime? or does the provider have another form of employment?
I can only speak for myself but generally when I am working I prefer 2 clients a day(one morning, one evening) that way if someone is a no show or has to reschedule then I've got some cushion and if they both show up I can still easily go on both dates. I usually work 4 days a week.
Depends on a lot of factors, but if you look at a ladies rates and how she presents herself you can get an idea of whether this is her primary income, and even if she's plain out lying, like I notice one girl whose rates start at $250 per hour and she claims she's very low volume. I don't think so. Travelling the country at that rate costs money and she'd absolutely have to do volume to get by.

Also one provider I know of works at $250 per hour precisely because she can do volume wherever she goes - 4 or 5 a day. She makes the money but word is she's looking very tough.

Leah Ireland
Well, first of all, providers will always lie about volume. The girls that are seeing 4-5 and more gents a day will never admit it. Moist hobbyists are turned off at the thought of "high volume".

As was said, it depends if the girl is doing this full time or to supplement her real-world job incom.

It's a mistake to assume that the higher priced providers see fewer gents than the lower priced girls.
  • npita
  • 04-19-2010, 09:48 AM
Well, first of all, providers will always lie about volume. The girls that are seeing 4-5 and more gents a day will never admit it. Moist hobbyists are turned off at the thought of "high volume". Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
Unfortunately, that is true. The only way I found to be sure that a provider was really low volume was to see utr providers who worked a day job so that they didn't have time to see a lot of clients and also schedule enough time so that she really didn't have a lot of time or incentive to see another client the same day she saw me.
It's a mistake to assume that the higher priced providers see fewer gents than the lower priced girls.
Well, it's a mistake to assume anything, but a provider who is getting $600+ for two or more hours has a lot more to lose by lying than a provider who is scheduling a single hour for $150.00. It's unfortunate that the hobby is full of dishonesty on both sides, but this board is the place to pass information like that along.
I for one work 7 days a week but I am low Volume. I dont even see gents everyday sometimes its 2 or 3 days in between dates, but when i do i do NOT see more than 2 guys a day. I dont have another job this is it and i like it like that. I have lots of extra time to spend with my kiddos and do real world things that i need to do. My rates start at 200 for hh so that keeps the calls down to a minimum.
See below.

Most hobbyists are turned off at the thought of "high volume".

Well, here is one who is not turned off, just so long as I get a quality session. If the sessions are becoming mechanical, then I'm not much interested. But that can happen to both high and low volume providers. Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
Unfortunately, that is true. The only way I found to be sure that a provider was really low volume was to see utr providers who worked a day job so that they didn't have time to see a lot of clients and also schedule enough time so that she really didn't have a lot of time or incentive to see another client the same day she saw me.

Well, it's a mistake to assume anything, but a provider who is getting $600+ for two or more hours has a lot more to lose by lying than a provider who is scheduling a single hour for $150.00. It's unfortunate that the hobby is full of dishonesty on both sides, but this board is the place to pass information like that along. Originally Posted by npita
I agree with most of what you have to say. I'm not really UTR and I don't have a day job. Well a job that pays money. I do other things. Yet, I am still low volume.

I am able to count on one hand how many times I have seen two men in one day. Even when I travel I only see one person a day.

I agree that a provider who has a higher rate does have more to loose. I know that I fight pretty hard to keep my reputation as low volume. Believe me, saying that you are low volume has lost all credibility. There are a few things that I will never write in an ad, and low volume is one of them.
Sweet Heather - "It's a mistake to assume that the higher priced providers see fewer gents than the lower priced girls."

So not true.

I don't work often at this occupation and that's the way I want it. There are ladies who advertise that they still charge a lot more than I do in this economy and I really don't think there are that many high paying clients to pay a few thousand for a date that lasts a few hours.

Even a lot of the clients who used to pay a lot, and can still afford to, are often only willing to pay low rates now because there are so many women in the market and the economy is so bad. They are able to, often - maybe not the same women, but they have more of a choice at the lower rate end of the market than before.

Leah Ireland
Cpalmson's Avatar
Thanks for the info! I'd have never thought that there would be providers that were really high volume (i.e. over 2 clients a day). Is demand that high? I always thought that providers would be "lucky" to see 1 client a day with 2 being a "good" day. Sure changed my perspective a bit. I always thought that the "high" volume providers were of streetwalker class. Hope I didn't offend anyone. I just had a curiosity about the economics of the hobby from a provider's perspective. Now here's a really off the wall question (based on a reply in this thread)? Where do you hear about UTR providers? Ansley sounds just like the type of provider I'd be interested in meeting because she seems to be in the hobby for reasons other than just $$$. Hope I'm not being too presumptuous.
DallasRain's Avatar
I consider myself "low volume".....I only see 4 or 5 gents a week. I turn down more potential appointments then I acctually take{due to scheduling conflicts or reference problems}

{the only time I see more clients per week is when I travel}

I do quite well for myself...all my bills are paid,my car is paid off,I live in a nice apt in a nice loacale,and I get to shop for those special things I want most anytime without worrying about not having the money.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Thanks for the info! I'd have never thought that there would be providers that were really high volume (i.e. over 2 clients a day). Is demand that high? . Originally Posted by Cpalmson
she's plain out lying, like I notice one girl whose rates start at $250 per hour and she claims she's very low volume. I don't think so. Travelling the country at that rate costs money and she'd absolutely have to do volume to get by.
Originally Posted by Leah Ireland
There are "hi volume providers" (whatever that means)

Particularly on tour. Just do the math. If she's in a $150/night hotel, flew into the city & like Leah said is charging $250 she's (hoping) to see 3+ people a day.

As for the demand. Yeah it is there (or they wouldn't continue to do it)

I agree that a provider who has a higher rate does have more to loose. I know that I fight pretty hard to keep my reputation as low volume. Believe me, saying that you are low volume has lost all credibility. There are a few things that I will never write in an ad, and low volume is one of them. Originally Posted by Ansley
Yeah kind of pointless, particularly when there isn't a generally agreed definition of the term. Kind of like the what is an HDH discussion.

If you want to make the point why not explicitly say you only see one gentleman/day? It is at least specific.

Unfortunately, that is true. The only way I found to be sure that a provider was really low volume was to see utr providers who worked a day job so that they didn't have time to see a lot of clients . Originally Posted by npita
I'm glad you raised this point & I think it can be one of the most misleading statements out there, "I have a day job. I only do this part time. I'm low volume!"

Ultimately it is about the quality of the session. Some/most/many can pull off a great session after a long day of work but others can't.

Consider a gal that has been up since 6a, deals with a full day of work, traffic then prettying herself up for you and meets you at say 8 or 9p. Yeah, you get to go first & she's by anyone's definition low volume but she's is exhausted! Who knows what kind of day she had at work. Work is stressful.

I mean, isn't that why some of us are hobbying to begin with, because our wife/SO is so exhausted from her daily grind (work/taking care of kids etc) that she isn't taking care of us?
okcdude1971's Avatar
I myself am truly turned off by high volume. I do not want to go where some guy just has been. I will pay a higher price to know the lady took extra prep time for me. To throw you a curve ball, I have known some ladies who really don't think they are in the "escort" business because they only see a few guys a week for a higer rate. I'm not sure what else you would call it, if they where the same two guys okay, I mgiht agree, but that would be a different arangment SD/SB. ECCIE starts out with the word escort.