Am I Guilty of Breaking Any Law?

So, last week, I saw pictures of a young lady that looked interesting. I sent her an e-mail, stating I would very much like to see her in person.
She responded with a phone number, saying give me a call. I called, and we agreed to meet later that evening. When I arrived at her place, I had some loose bills in my shirt pocket (about $300) and since I didn't want to misplace them I put them on a handy table.

The young lady & I shared a glass of wine and chatted about various things. We really seemed to hit it off, as she started unbuttoning my shirt & rubbing my chest. That led to various other activities, both clothed and unclothed, and to top it off, I got lucky & had sex with her twice.

After about an hour I was worn out and decided to leave to get some rest. As luck would have it I forgot the bills I had placed on the table, and didn't remember till the next day. It would be ungentlemanly to ask her about the bills, so I guess I'll just let it go.

Now, were any laws actually violated. There was never any conversation or other exchange of information regarding money or sex. I asked for a date, she accepted, we had sex. Happens every day in every city in the country. I happened to leave a possesion (some green paper) of mine at her place, & never retrieved said possession.

I know this may seem silly to most, but I think it merits discussion.
GneissGuy's Avatar
leglover05's Avatar
Depends solely on her ad.
Depends solely on her ad. Originally Posted by babee
I giggled.

If LE wants you, they'll take you and let the judge sort it out in the morning. It'll be up to your attorney and the DA to hash out whether you broke any laws, after you bail yourself out.

You may beat the rap, but you won't beat the ride.
GneissGuy's Avatar
The prosecutor, judge, and the jury will say "Guilty."

They're the only people whose answer matters.
First of all, why would you leave the bills on a table? Why not hide them in your vehicle? Sounds ridiculous to me.
Maybe he didn't realize they were in his pocket till he was upstairs.

In Texas,
Sec. 43.02. PROSTITUTION. (a) A person commits an offense if he knowingly:
(1) offers to engage, agrees to engage, or engages in sexual conduct for a fee; or
(2) solicits another in a public place to engage with him in sexual conduct for hire.

So according to your scenario, no laws were broken. However, as others said, you can be arrested for suspicion of prostitution and be found innocent in a court of law. But the damage is done, your mugshot is on the internet (at least on CCPD), your family knows, and now you have a record.

Sucks the big one don't it?
So, last week, I saw pictures of a young lady that looked interesting. I sent her an e-mail, stating I would very much like to see her in person.
She responded with a phone number, saying give me a call. I called, and we agreed to meet later that evening. When I arrived at her place, I had some loose bills in my shirt pocket (about $300) and since I didn't want to misplace them I put them on a handy table.

The young lady & I shared a glass of wine and chatted about various things. We really seemed to hit it off, as she started unbuttoning my shirt & rubbing my chest. That led to various other activities, both clothed and unclothed, and to top it off, I got lucky & had sex with her twice.

After about an hour I was worn out and decided to leave to get some rest. As luck would have it I forgot the bills I had placed on the table, and didn't remember till the next day. It would be ungentlemanly to ask her about the bills, so I guess I'll just let it go.

Now, were any laws actually violated. There was never any conversation or other exchange of information regarding money or sex. I asked for a date, she accepted, we had sex. Happens every day in every city in the country. I happened to leave a possesion (some green paper) of mine at her place, & never retrieved said possession.

I know this may seem silly to most, but I think it merits discussion. Originally Posted by colels
What if the young lady advertised "Art For Sale" and invited you over to see her drawings (could be hen scratching) and you puurchased a drawing for $300. She then thinks you are so nice to buy her work she decides to screw your brains out after the "art purchase" transaction has been completed. Just two consenting adults getting personally turned on with each other. NO LAW HAS BEEN BROKEN!
juan2fork's Avatar
1. There is a forum in this site for legal advice. Most of those who answer are attorney/hobbyists.

2. This is akin to George Carlin's "Heavy Mysteries" from the "Class Clown" album. The last line being "Would 'dat be a sin 'den Fadda?"

3. As I have said before about this thing some of us do, "You might beat the rap, but you won't beat the ride."
shooter6.5's Avatar
First for the lady.

It is called predisposed disposition. She puts an add up and the courts have determined that since she is offering certain services that if she answers or meets you that is her intent. That is why many ladies get busted without having to perform any act. So many are confused about this area. That is how it is. That paragraph at the end of many ladies add means absolutely nothing in a court of law in Texas.

For you. Love your defense, imaginative but will not hold water. First, you lucked out. You had the appointment and did not get busted-so the lady was not a UC. Had she been , you are done. For the sake of discussion, good thread. In reality, no one buys your story. Even if you were to be found innocent, by now it has cosr you atleast 5K in attorney fees. They made their point.

Do not get me wrong. I like the thread but would not want anyone to read this and think it will actually work because it won't.
BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 04-22-2010, 07:41 AM
Ditto everything that shooter said and more.....Basic thing to know that if there is a sting operation going down and you have a face to face meeting with LE, then you're definitely going to be wearing the silver bracelets and have your photo taken, or at the very least be given a citation to appear (which make no mistake, means you've been arrested).....In your scenario, if you left the money, did the deed, then was allowed to leave, then none of what you said matters because the girl was not LE and you wouldn't have to go into your story about why you were there.....If you got arrested, I seriously doubt your story would sway anyone in your favor.....The better approach if you get arrested (provider and hobbyist alike) is to neither admit nor deny, just STFU and at your arraignment plead NOT GUILTY, then hire an attorney and let him/her do the talking for you.....
I just gotta ask...what if roses, or diamonds, or kisses had fallen out of pocket instead of green paper?
Do not get me wrong. I like the thread but would not want anyone to read this and think it will actually work because it won't. Originally Posted by shooter6.5
If you got arrested, I seriously doubt your story would sway anyone in your favor..... Originally Posted by BIG C
Ditto. There probably is NO jury in the world that would find in your favor. Yeah, you forgot some green paper <wink><wink>. But if there might be one (a jury finding in your favor), it certainly does not exist anywhere in Texas, or even the Bible belt. On this issue, you will be presumed guilty no matter the charge to the jury. It's like trying to defend yourself against charges of incest or child abuse. There is no such thing as a level playing field.
I personally would have been pretty excited about a gentleman emptying a pocket full of loose diamonds out on a nightstand and forgetting them when he left my place... but that's just me.

Maybe I should take a page from the CL playbook and start using substitute terms in my ads. From now on, all of the donations in my ads will be listed in luxury vehicles. Mercedes and BMW now accepted in place of roses or diamonds. (I can not accept Lexus SUVs due to their unfortunate rollover tendencies. And I still expect kisses as well. Lots of them.) Feel free to leave any extra luxury vehicles lying around my place if you're afraid they might fall out of your pocket during our encounter.

I just gotta ask...what if roses, or diamonds, or kisses had fallen out of pocket instead of green paper? Originally Posted by babee