I cant believe a provider stole $$$ from me

HedonisticFool's Avatar
$$$ taken right from my wallet. I realized when Im checking my pockets for everything. Noticed my back pocket button undone & my wallet felt skinny. This all before I left. When I confronted her she acted dumb. Im positive it was her. What should I do? Should I slam her on a review & expose her on this thread? This has really pissed me off.
  • jwood
  • 05-20-2013, 08:43 PM
Only take the donation in with you plus a little more if your tipper. If your sure expose her.
name names
HedonisticFool's Avatar
I usually do but she has been an ATF for almost 2-yrs. Ive really grown to trust her. Sux more cuz I met her here. Shes an ECCIE member. Im still in total disbelief.
So you're mad. And you want to vent about it. But you don't want to call her out. And, of course, that will create a big shit storm.

Plus, you feel betrayed. You trusted her on some level. And she betrayed that trust.

But from a practical standpoint, what are you going to do about it? You have to let go of the money part.

I remember my Grandfather telling the story during the depression of a swindler stealing money from his father. It was $500. All the brothers got together and told their Pa they were going into town to take care of things. But Pa said, "No, boys. It's worth $500 to find out what kind of person he is."

And that's the mentality you should certainly have about the money.

Outside of that, though, you have to figure out if you're going to see her again. Which you have not, I can tell, from your post. I know what my decision would be unequivocally, but perhaps you can figure out how to get beyond this and still spend time with her.

Then you have to figure out what kind of loyalty do you owe the other members of Eccie. Did you find her in part because of her great reviews? Have you been helped by what other hobbyists have posted, whether it was good, or the warnings regarding an unpleasant experience? You should weigh that.

What I wouldn't do is post something about her as a way to seek revenge. Do it as a warning to other hobbyists. It's a good reminder for all of us in any case. And then move on. That's the key. Don't let this bad experience linger.

My two cents.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
A (hedonistic)fool and his money are soon(er or later) parted? Be glad for the later vs. sooner?
Wakeup's Avatar
Providers try to steal money...we try to stop them...we each have our roles to play...get over it...
Providers try to steal money...we try to stop them...we each have our roles to play...get over it... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Maybe you (OP) should re-visit your definition of ATF....
HedonisticFool's Avatar
Providers try to steal money...we try to stop them...we each have our roles to play...get over it... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Thats bullshit...get over it, well I guess I dont have much of a choice, but thanks for your input of wisdom.
kusmaldo's Avatar
well,its a tough one.you knew her for some time and she did this.if i were there i would have taken my wallet(and all valuables with me) she now might not return your emails or text phone calls. me i would not see her again and blacklist her as a thief the "trust is now gone" did you disrespect her or give her a reason to take from you?
Understand that you feel like shit, you have spent time with this lady, and of course, over time feelings (often more than trust) will develop.... so basically, you have been betrayed by someone that you thought "thought a lot of you".... maybe she does, but, the temptation was more than she could handle...." forgive her father for she has sinned".... HEll Man , I have children that have stole from me..... do they care for me.... I think yes.... I just have discovered a side of them that I didn't think was there....
we only really discover who people really are over time... and if we pay attention to the signs, we have a pretty good idea of what we are dealing with...
so, it's up to you....do you drop her and move on? do you confront her ? ( not recommended by me).... do you still see her, but, adjust your attitude about what you have in the relationship.?
You need to "make a call" then move forward...... yea, life can really suck , but, we can't afford to wallow in the bad things people do to us, .. well, maybe we can for a little while....
But, for you own good.... only a little while.....
I would just let it go and take it as a life lesson. What I mean by that is move on and don't see her again. Don't let it dissuade you from the hobby, there are a lot of great providers out there. As far as outing her that's up to you. Personally I would not out her with any real life info, that will come back to bite you in the butt a hundred different ways. But you could post a warning if you are ABSOLUTELY SURE that she stole from you. That part is up to you. However, you will probably get some PMs on this and I would at that point be honest with your answers, again with the caveat that you are 100% sure of what you claim is true, just don't give out any real life info.
Sometimes, I will lose something... money, keys, french fries.... and I will SWEAR I knew who did it! I was almost got a cable dude fired cuz I KNEW he had stolen my ipod. Well, low and behold, three days later I find it under the bed.
My point is......BE 100% SURE, especially if you like, trust, and dont want to hurt her. Sometimes we think we know, but later on we find that we knew nothing.
Take time, be patient, dont make rash decisions, and it will all work out.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-21-2013, 10:27 AM

I was going to say something similar, but you said it much better.
JohnnyCap's Avatar

-be 100% sure, then double check
-post an alert and/or announce in a review for eccie, not for revenge
-$300 is a cheap way to label a dirtbag (if you're sure) my most recent cost me $700 (I'm sure, I have a text saying she's keeping $ that aren't hers and she'll come to my house if I do anything about it) and a lot of time, which is what I think really stings, you knew her a long time?
-keep your eyes open, karma will swing by


any implication that thieving is justified because she is a whore, which she is, (if you're 100%, no longer a 'provider'). I try to think of the allegory, "but you knew I was a snake" but I just don't think it applies. Even disrespect doesn't justify theft, whatever she thinks.

Have to move on though, however that's easiest good luck.