Scientist Finds Pornography Causes Brain Damage

Did you know that the latest science indicates that internet porn is screwing up your brain?

Stopping masturbation for a short period, and cutting down on your porn use will provide great improvements in your erections and orgasms with women in real life.

A site called Your Brain on Porn has looked into the neuroscience of internet pornography to examine the effects it has on the brain. It appears that porn exploits what’s called the Coolidge effect.

This means that when a rat is presented with a ready female, he gets super excited, but the excitement diminishes as time goes on. But when you put a new female rat, the excitement goes right back up.

I appears humans, male and female, experience the Coolidge effect. In fact, human females are just as promiscuous as males.

The problem is that the more images of mates you see, and the more intense the situations you view, the less one partner having sex with you is able to turn you on. It’s well documented that heavy porn viewers experience trouble getting erections and ejaculating with real-life partners.

Not only that, but excessive porn use can cause dependence, leading to depression and anxiety.

Your Brain on Porn likens what happens to the human brain on pornography to what happens to brains on junk food. I think the analogy is apt. Junk food is never really good for you, except it’s probably better than not eating. It’s mainly just easy and fun. You get problems when you’re overeating, not eating real meals, and not able to enjoy real meals.

See cool link on study! v=wSF82AwSDiU#!

Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
I'll wait for more sources to concur with the above findings before I swear off the dirty vids, but I have noticed that I always need new "material" and that I burn out after a while and the same ol' just doesn't cut it. At that point I take a break instead of looking for harder stuff as I've been down that rabbit hole before and it gets weird fast.
pornodave69's Avatar
I must be brain dead then. And Emily Scott is hot!!!
Now that explains a LOT!
pyramider's Avatar
speeedracer's Avatar
interestingly, the chemicals released in the body after orgasm from watching porn/masturbation are different from actual sex. these amplify social and psychological problems, as well as contribute to depression
I like the line, that human females are just as promiscuous as males..

Cpalmson's Avatar
Flawed science. If anything, I would say the opposite is true. I've been viewing porn before I was even a teenager. I've never once had a problem "sealing the deal" with a real live woman. If anything, I seal the deal much more quickly than I'd rather care for and have to have seconds or thirds or fourths (even a few fifths)
"....the study concludes by stating, 'Therefore, hot women should totally make out with scientists instead of desirable mates. Even--no, ESPECIALLY!--nerdy scientists with bad acne and zero social skills."
Cpalmson's Avatar
"....the study concludes by stating, 'Therefore, hot women should totally make out with scientists instead of desirable mates. Even--no, ESPECIALLY!--nerdy scientists with bad acne and zero social skills." Originally Posted by SaytownFinest
Wait, that describes me, and I'm not a scientist
Holy smokes, Batman! But I love porn! GADZOOKS!!!
Pink Floyd's Avatar
2nd day without porn. I can handle this really I can. Somebody get me a drink quick!
pyramider's Avatar
Your eye site will not return and your palms will not shed ...ijs.
joesmo888's Avatar
some of you are not understanding the coolidge effect.

and everyone on here posting is a perfect example of it. thats why we hobby. can anyone on here say they are okay having sex with only one person for more than a few months or a year? i get bored after a couple months with the same girl. porn makes this worse because with internet porn especially you can go from watching girls with hairy bushes, to milf's, to college age, to blondes, to asians, to whites.. way too much variety and its like in real life we have to do the same thing.