M&G: Thanks Heidilynn

Could not stay long but got to meet a few new people and reconnect with a few too. Heidilynn, you did an awesome job in organizing this. I am sure many had a good time (and some may still as I write this thread). Thanks Heidilynn.
Karrine_Kream's Avatar
Wish I could have made it...I had planned on attending ;(
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
sorry that I could not attend. stuff came up.
+1. Thank you so much Heidi! I had so much fun meeting y'all!
Sorry I missed it too...didn't get off work til 5:30 in BR
I'm still in SC until tomorrow. Sorry I couldn't make it
Had an awesome time!! Loved all of the wonderful ladies and gentlemen who attended. Food was fabulous, and Heidilynn put it together very professionally and I wish we could do this every month...lol

Melissa madyson
Marshpirate's Avatar
Had an awesome time!! Loved all of the wonderful ladies and gentlemen who attended. Food was fabulous, and Heidilynn put it together very professionally and I wish we could do this every month...lol

Melissa madyson Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
Sorry I missed it too. I heard the food had "interesting" names. Hopefully I'll make the next one.
skeeter's Avatar
I too am sorry I didn't make it .... It's 200 miles but I had planned on attending ....
Unfortunately ..... Shit happens ((
Hey guys I just saw this....haven't been reading both my groups lately.

But lemme say this: I WISH I COULD HAVE BEEN THERE !!! (Wherever it was......)
ESwho'snext?'s Avatar
OK So hare it is. I am drunk(still) and writing this Post. I had and am having a blast. I was happy to donate the P411 points and I would gladly do it again if we can do this more often. I say every other month lol. If you missed it here is the short short on it. The women were there and Yes they are way hotter than the pics. Food was great and lots of fun. Didn't seem to bother anyone that we had this "party" going on. Only thing that would have made it better is if I could have taken 4 or 5 back to the hotel with me. But I truly hope we can do it again. Lots of nice guys and girls. Even a few of the guys that said "no way I am going" were there lol. Thank you Heidi for doing all you did.
OMG, my head hurts, damn Jager! I had fun too. Nice to meet some new peeps and see some old friends!
Nice to meet some new peeps and see some old friends! Originally Posted by heidilynnla
Nice to see you even if I was too shy to go introduce myself to other ladies.

Thanks for organizing this. It was appreciated.
Southergaijin, I'm totally gonna spank you for being so timid. You left before the party got started!
I had a great time also. Wish I could've stayed longer. It was nice meeting some of the guys and beautiful ladies. My bucket list just got longer. Thank you Heidi for taking on this. Great job.