Florida City Commissioner Resigns After Repeatedly Licking Her Male Colleagues & Grabbing Their Genitals


Madeira Beach, Florida, City Commissioner Nancy Oakley, 60, stepped down in connection to the November 2012 incident
Oakley was fined $5,000 for sexually harassing Madeira Beach City Manager Shane Crawford by licking the side of his face and grabbing his penis
Three other men have come forward claiming that she had licked their faces in public against their will
Oakley had a 'habit of licking men that either she was attracted to or thought that she had authority over,' Crawford said
Oakley denied wrongdoing and vowed to appeal, but said she was stepping down so everyone could 'move on'
Face-licking took place in front of witnesses, including City Clerk Cheryl McGrady, whom Crawford later married

Nancy Oakley also called Cheryl McGrady a "fucking bitch". Nancy was sexually attracted to Shane and hated Cheryl because Shane was in love with Cheryl. Shane ended up marrying Cheryl, much to Nancy's dismay.

Picture of Nancy Oakley, the pervert who sexually molested several men, and a picture of Shane Crawford, one of her victims, can be found in the news article. Just click the link above.
Oh you mean women do this to men!! I thought only men were out of line
Yeah right this has gone on both ways forever. The #MeTOO (my generation would call that PoundMEToo) need to look in the mirror. It is wrong behavior either way
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah METOO to goes both ways BUTT some how the MSM forgets that point.