Calling Russia ‘threat to humanity’ puts Obama’s sanity in doubt

SEE3772's Avatar
lustylad's Avatar
Hey little pussy! Spamming us again? This is your 7th spam-thread today! How much more worthless garbage will you spew on us before the sun sets? Why do you do it? Does it give you a faux erection? Don't your ED meds work anymore? Did you notice how nobody even views your threads anymore? It's because they know you are full of shit.

Are you going to keep hiding from my post challenging your bullshit Texas quarantine story? What's the matter, pussy boy? Does the little Naples sissy-boy not have enough balls to speak up? I cunt hear you, pussy boy!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar Originally Posted by SEE3772
First he called them a "regional power" and now he calls them a threat to humanity?
Fucking well near like the axis of evil ...
Those of us who grew up during the Cold War have a somewhat different perspective on these things.

Those who remember World War II (I'm not that old) have a VERY different perspective.

It was 18 years or thereabouts from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, not to mention Dresden, to the Cuban Missile Crisis. That's not very long...