
Hello everybody!
I just got an e-mail from a lady who just start working.

..."I want to refused to book with a guy who I did not think I'm going to please. How do I tell him no without making him mad?"

Ladies, please share your thoughts.
Thank you very much in advance.

Natasha LeMans
I would just tell them that judging from our correspondence, I do not think we are compatible and that I am not the right escort for him. I would wish him luck in his endeavors and maybe refer him to another provider who may suit his needs so he knows I have good intentions.

As for how he takes it, not really concerned since I'm not meeting him. LOL
Sweet N Little's Avatar
What Skylar said & just tell him you don't think your the girl for him that there are others that he would be much happier with & wish him the best
I would not be rude in the way I dimiss him. A simple "I'm sorry but I won't be able to see you" should suffice. I could care less about how he takes it.
And if he emails me "why" I will not respond.