22 million illegals estimated in U.S.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

acting director of CIS says illegal immigration count is at 22 million.

previous estimate was pegged at 14 million.
matchingmole's Avatar
Just another example of the incompetence of Trump
Thatoneguy4171's Avatar
"BuT HiLLaRy WoN bY 2 MiLLioN!" I wonder how many votes were cast by illegals after being promised benefits by Democrats? Who knows, maybe some voted Republican. I can't see how any sane person is opposed to voter ID.

Just another example of the incompetence of Trump Originally Posted by matchingmole

Honest question, how is this Trump's fault? Are you trying to say 22 million illegals came here in 3 years? With Trump trying to build a wall and reform visas/immigration to lower illegal immigration, how could it possibly be his fault?
  • oeb11
  • 10-17-2019, 09:13 AM
Just another example of the incompetence of Trump Originally Posted by matchingmole

Given the complete opposition to control of our borders by DPST loon leadership - done to increase welfare illegals voting for DPST handout kings - to blame Trump - who is trying to control the borders - is abject hypocrisy!!!

Not to mention Sanctuary cities and the abject mess the DPST's have made of the illegal immigrant and homeless situation in NY and the West coat and austin - All DPST led havens.

Borders on the insane, MM
matchingmole's Avatar

Messy DPST's
  • oeb11
  • 10-17-2019, 10:18 AM
WTF and MM - only foolish gif's to post
Nothing cogent or constructive
Enjoy following your Socialist totalitarian leaders to the gulags they create - and you will be among the early detainees.

Count on it.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
22 million counting from when?
Of course there's Dim presidents as well.
So here's the question:
Can public assistance funding, that illegal immigrants qualify for, be considered felonious election fraud (vote buying).
At least half of those must live on the east side of Houston.
Thatoneguy4171's Avatar
WTF and MM - only foolish gif's to post
Nothing cogent or constructive
Enjoy following your Socialist totalitarian leaders to the gulags they create - and you will be among the early detainees.

Count on it. Originally Posted by oeb11

I've noticed this too. Just want a lefty viewpoint on my posts, but they either ignore me or post irrelevant gifs/images. I'm not even right-wing. Just a millennial getting into politics. No wonder my generation and Gen Z are starting to lean right.

You know what they say, those that start the revolution are never there to see it conclude...
Trump just cuts to the chase. Apparently, the Dems feel that it's not enlightening enough for them. Plus they are still pissed off that they lost the election.
winn dixie's Avatar
22 million illegals estimated in U.S.

And everyone one of 'em should be rounded up and sent back to where they came from immediately.
Just another example of the incompetence of Trump Originally Posted by matchingmole
Millions snuck in when Obama and Clinton were in charge, were they incompetent then?
rexdutchman's Avatar
WOW , how fast people forget Big-T didn't sit by and open the borders to everyone , he's attempting to do something and the swamp is trying to impeach him sooooooooo

Messy DPST's Originally Posted by matchingmole
You don't know a single pole for a double pole Quackamole
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Millions snuck in when Obama and Clinton were in charge, were they incompetent then? Originally Posted by friendly fred

don't leave out bush 43, he was in on it too.