Congrats to Lea Madisson!

  • DinDC
  • 01-05-2013, 09:58 AM
Lea just completed her first-ever half marathon today! Awesome!!!
  • mskid
  • 01-05-2013, 12:53 PM
Congratulations on your marathon
vicinms's Avatar
Are we talking running or sex? No wait, you said her first, so that rules out sex, lol.

Congrats hot stuff!
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Way cool! I know how hard she's been working toward this, so this is great news. Lea is certainly a long distance every way!

When You Are Ready's Avatar
Congratulations. That is awesome. I hope you were wearing more than the last time I saw you.

DallasRain's Avatar
woohoooo awesome! congrats!
DallasRain's Avatar
congrats baby!!
Lea you did great! Everything that you do involves a marathon!,
PhotoGuyOfMS's Avatar
Congrats to Lea! Now she's gotta get the nifty little 13.1 sticker for her back window! I have a sticker but it says 0.0 lol
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Thanks everyone! It was really an awesome event and accomplishment for me! And, yes... I got the sticker!!


My 25 year old son ran in it, he now lives in Jackson, (like me an Arkansas transplant), ran in the 1:37 range, he was tickled. He was aiming for 1:40-1:45. Congratulations for all your work and success, what kind of time did you finish in ?
Are you planning on sticking with the Half or are you going to totally lose your mind and aim for 26.2 ?
Either way, congratulations and continued great health!
  • DinDC
  • 01-06-2013, 05:02 PM
So, Lea, where will you wear your "13.1" sticker?
Sweet N Little's Avatar
That is awesome Lea! Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Way to go! I knew you could do it!