Size? Oh Brother... not again...

randomgoober's Avatar
Alright, I wasn't really sure if I should pose this question or not, but have decided I might as well, after my recent experiences with our wonderful "hobby".

I know the size of a guy's junk is probably one of the most wore out questions there is in relation to sex, at least in a guy's mind. Most of the discussion seem to be related to ego or some sort of super ability related to how much "meat and taters" he's packin'. This is not one of those situations, I don't give half a shit about my ego, and I'm probably a mediocre lay at my best, but this issue is starting to interfere with my whole reason for this hobby, which is... fun!

I'm specifically asking for opinions about how to approach this subject with providers. Before an initial meeting especially. Out of all the wonderful girls I've seen through here, size has been a big issue with more than half of them. Every time I've met someone and they've seen little goober (kind of a misnomer I guess) they'll always say something about size. I would have never thought having a large member would be a hindrance in this sort of situation, but it really has proven to be so. At first, I thought they were saying something just for my ego's sake, but by the time we get down to business, it seems to really limit my options, and more importantly the provider's comfort.

All that being said, one of the ladies I've seen was really open about discussing it and was willing to try anything... we ended up having no problems with it and were able to really enjoy ourselves. Unfortunately, our schedules haven't worked out since and I've not been able to ask her how to handle this in the future for the new providers.

Anyways, am I supposed to come up with some sort of disclaimer when talking to a prospective new provider? Should I say something like "Hey, I'd like to meet! But... I'm toting around a big baloney pony in my shorts? Is that ok?". Not really my idea of a way to say Hello.

I appreciate all your thoughts on how I should approach this, seriously...

Thanks and have a good one.
How big are we talking here?
randomgoober's Avatar
How big are we talking here? Originally Posted by Calista_Syn
Uh oh, after I posted, I was afraid someone was going to ask this... nothing like you'd see in porn I figure... It doesn't seem out of the ordinary to me, but I guess I've been around it a while now.

I measured my hand just now (about the only thing I've compared it too, other than my ex-g/f's forearm) and it measures out to be between 8" and 9" long and roughly the size of a golf ball around. I guess as an example, regular condoms don't fit lengthwise most of the time and are really tight around. I guess next time I go see a provider I can bring a measuring tape, lol.

The more I think about posting this question, the more I feel like a retard. Strange as it may sound, it makes for an embarrassing situation for me at first meeting, I want to avoid that aspect, in fact, I think that's one of the main reasons I'm so nervous when meeting someone new. I want to figure out a way to mention it beforehand, so 1. it's not uncomfortable for the provider and 2. I don't spend my donation/time only to find out it won't work too well between us.
This is probably one of the best places TO discuss your topic!
I have read about and have known women who have a tilted cervix which can make it uncomfortable for her to take a man of any size. But there are plenty of women who have no problem at all. With a little imagination, it can be worked out!
It's all good man. It could always be worse...
I'd fuck u!!!
A woman that knows her body, can adjust to any size in depth and positions. I've seen a few donkeys in my day and have honestly walked away with my tail tucked and mouth in the floor (we are talking almost knee length, but I'm sorry I don't need a snake cleaning my pipes, that's a plumbers job).
coast_encounter's Avatar
Just wear this pin to your appointment. If they let you in, then you are fine. :-)

randomgoober's Avatar
I'd fuck u!!!
A woman that knows her body, can adjust to any size in depth and positions. I've seen a few donkeys in my day and have honestly walked away with my tail tucked and mouth in the floor (we are talking almost knee length, but I'm sorry I don't need a snake cleaning my pipes, that's a plumbers job). Originally Posted by Mina Parker
That's the kind of answer I was looking for! Next time you're in Jackson, I'll try and take you up on that.

Yeah, I can't help but wonder how those guys manage. To me, that would be considered "Big", but once again, I've never tried to compare mine to any others in person.
randomgoober's Avatar
Just wear this pin to your appointment. If they let you in, then you are fine. :-)

Originally Posted by coast_encounter
Now THAT is funny! LOL!
randomgoober's Avatar
This is probably one of the best places TO discuss your topic!
I have read about and have known women who have a tilted cervix which can make it uncomfortable for her to take a man of any size. But there are plenty of women who have no problem at all. With a little imagination, it can be worked out! Originally Posted by Nicolet
I was wondering if it was just sort of luck of the draw for the ladies I was with. I thought maybe it was because the few who had trouble were really petite. Good to know.

PS> I love your avatar.
Hey Mina , mine looks like a button on a fur coat! Will you do me too?
  • Paven
  • 02-14-2013, 02:33 PM
Is it the kind of big where one might have to undo their mandible jaw to get it in? lol
Stellix, I have seen urs and it does not look like a button lmao, but yes I'd do u again
randomgoober's Avatar
Is it the kind of big where one might have to undo their mandible jaw to get it in? lol Originally Posted by Paven
I've never seen that happen before with it, but hey, that sounds pretty impressive regardless! lol
randomgoober's Avatar
Hey Mina , mine looks like a button on a fur coat! Will you do me too? Originally Posted by stellix
Kripes, now that is a crazy mental picture! LOL