No Call/No Show by Jamie

Date: 2/17/2013
Provider: Jamie
Phone: 662-910-7394
Email Address: N/A
URL / Website:
City: Oxford
State: Mississippi
Address: My hotel room in Oxford
Appointment Type: Outcall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: None - It was a no call/no show
Session Length: was supposed to be 1 hour
Fee: 200
Hair Length and Color: -
Age: 24
Smoking Status: -
Ethnic Background: -
Physical Description: I've done my homework enough to know that the pics that you see are pretty legit. She's a good looking girl - one of the better looking girls on Backpage in Mississippi.
Recommendation: No
biomed1's Avatar

Sorry to hear that you were NCNS'd by the Provider.

You're 100% correct that this type of behavior (repeated or occasional NCNS) needs to be available to the Hobbyists when deciding which Lady they wish to spend some time with.

In order to make this information available, and to give the Provider an opportunity respond/explain in a public forum.

The Board Guidelines state that NCNS Reports/Reviews should be posted in the Co-Ed Discussion portion of the board.

I'm sure one of the Mods will move this post in the near future.

Be Careful & Enjoy!

hmmm...and I was considering giving her a try. Thank you for the heads up!

Sorry to hear that you were NCNS'd by the Provider.

You're 100% correct that this type of behavior (repeated or occasional NCNS) needs to be available to the Hobbyists when deciding which Lady they wish to spend some time with.

In order to make this information available, and to give the Provider an opportunity respond/explain in a public forum.

The Board Guidelines state that NCNS Reports/Reviews should be posted in the Co-Ed Discussion portion of the board.

I'm sure one of the Mods will move this post in the near future.

Be Careful & Enjoy!

Biomed1 Originally Posted by biomed1

Thanks. My preference would be for them to leave it here in the Provider Reviews section, as I believe far more clients/potential clients read this board than read any of the other boards here (including the Co-Ed Discussion board). I figure that it would just be overlooked and forgotten by people there and, thus, it won't really have the intended consequence of holding a provider accountable for her lack of professionalism. The Reviews section is the first place anyone looks for Review information on a provider and I doubt most people would even think to go to the Co-Ed Discussion forum to find negative feedback/review on a provider. I know I don't set the rules here and I don't have much ability to change the rules but I kind of think that makes the most sense. Otherwise, it will just get overlooked and some other fool will probably suffer the same fate. I wouldn't be quite so upset if it was just a session with a local provider that got derailed, as that wouldn't have cost me much in the time department (just probably the hotel room fee). Unfortunately, I had a hell of a drive to go see her in Oxford and it meant a lot of time out the window, so it was time + gas money + hotel room fee.

I don't believe Jamie reads these forums and I'm virtually certain that she isn't registered here, so I don't expect any kind of reply from her here. I would be lucky if she would even call me to give me any type of explanation. I do intend to call her again in a couple of days to see if she will answer the phone and give me some type of explanation on what happened. I'm not expecting to hear a good reason but most anything would be nice. I won't hold my breath on that happening, though.
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Thank you for the info. BP is always a crap shoot. With this kind of approach, she won't be in busy very long.
vicinms's Avatar
Good info although not a review, since that is intended to be a report on an actual session that took place!

Now as far as what to do with this post, that is debatable! As Biomed stated, when it involves an ECCIE provider, we can move it to the Coed Discussion forum, so they have an opportunity to explain their side of the story. NC/NS reviews are not supposed to be attached to a provider's profile.

In the case of non-ECCIE providers, it shouldn't really matter. As Tumbling Dice mentioned, most guys probably look for reviews by running searches in the appropriate review forum so it's more likely to be found here. I don't recall a specific board policy dictating a move to Coed in this case, so I'll leave it here until I find something to the contrary!

BP strikes again!