I think I'm finally done with this hobby. Everytime now it's always some new form of bad business. Had great comms set everything up and even got the room number....then I get ghosted. It's bad enough that everytime now there's fifty close by, a sketchy area, etc but as I'm standing in the hallway awaiting some form of acknowledgement even just a simply 5 more minutes but no nothing. The other day I set up buying pics from a different person and you'd think that would be easy enough but the person sent the first set then ghosted.
I just don't understand you already showed me once why run off the 2nd time. The nature of the trade means no accountability for anything at best you'll get a "sorry I fell asleep" the next day but even that has become rare. The talent in the area also is slim pickings so I think I'll just become a crytobro or something. Even if I lose coins there I'll at least have more sanity.