Ukraine invasion ?

VitaMan's Avatar
Reports are coming out that Russia has made a decision about Ukraine.
Precious_b's Avatar
Talk to us in a year.

Not like Ukraine has been treated like Alsace-Lorraine.
Reports are coming out that Russia has made a decision about Ukraine. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Ukraine doesn't like to be toyed with.
Reports are coming out that Russia has made a decision about Ukraine. Originally Posted by VitaMan
... Hmmm... Lemme guess:

"If Comrade Biden gives us money $$$$ We will not invade."

### Salty
HedonistForever's Avatar
And where are these reports coming from? Inside the Kremlin, because that is where the decision will be made or not. What I'm hearing is that after Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany meet to try and hammer out a solution, they failed and for all practical purposes, that is the end of diplomacy.

Now we wait to see if Biden scared Putin enough to hold back and we wait to see what Western Europe will do if Putin does decide to invade. It's hard to imagine he would do that and lose Russian soldiers and the good will of everybody on the planet but China, Iran and North Korea.

Putin may have all he needs from this exercise. Biden has told the world that we have no intention of letting Ukraine into NATO. He has agreed to talks on missile deployment in NATO countries and he has caused a crack in NATO visible to anybody paying attention.

Sure, Putin can take Ukraine in a matter of days but can he keep Ukraine? The military experts I hear say that the insurgency against Russian soldiers trying to occupy Ukrainian cities would be like what Russia faced in Afghanistan when they finally had to admit that they could not hold Afghanistan.

Putin might be thinking that all he needs to do is sow chaos, enough to install a puppet government but Ukrainians have already dispatched the last puppet government and will likely resist any new government aligned with Russia especially after losing thousands of civilians which is what will happen with a full blown invasion.

I really don't see what more Putin can get by invasion when he already has assurances that Ukraine will not be accepted into NATO and he has Germany and Europe right where he wants them, depending on Russia so that they don't freeze to death.

The one thing Biden could have done but won't, is convince Germany and Europe, that we will go back to being the number one exporter of energy taking that lever away from Putin but this President will not do that.

I go back and forth on whether he will or he won't. Yesterday I said he won't, today, I think he just might.

Biden could get a political win out of this if Putin doesn't invade saying "see, I was strong enough to thwart Putin" but if Putin does invade and Germany and Europe don't stand behind the sanctions Biden has promised, then he is even more fucked than he is right now if that's even possible.

The polling, which of course must be taken with a grain of salt, says that Biden now has only 7 in 10 Black voters instead of 9 and has about 60% of the Hispanic vote and down to 36% of Independents. He can't get reelected with those numbers and any Democrat standing beside him will have one helluva time getting re-elected in Nov.

Biden better be on his knees praying Putin doesn't invade.
VitaMan's Avatar
Interesting headline. Take it for what it's worth.

Oil Prices Spike After U.S. Officials Say Ukraine Invasion Expected Next Week
Putin is going forward with it. Biden would be stupid to stand in his way alone. IMO
HedonistForever's Avatar
Sounds like they are using the end of the Olympics in that statement. We've know for weeks now that Putin said these exercises would end on Feb. 20th, the day the Olympics end. What we don't know is, do the troops go home or go in. So......
HedonistForever's Avatar
Putin is going forward with it. Biden would be stupid to stand in his way alone. IMO Originally Posted by DesWad

There was never any intention to "stand in his way". We have made promises along with our NATO allies which may or may not follow through on sanctions AFTER he invades. One question being asked is "why wait"? Why not say will will immediately cut off any supply ( to the extent we can ) of computer chips which would effect his war machine. Why not, right now, cut off Russia's access to banking?

Hell, we will not even cross that border to evacuate Americans. We will not fly planes in Ukrainian airspace, no matter what happens.
It is simply amazing Russia couldn't hold in Afghanistan and then the Taliban takes over and kicks us out like clockwork. We just can't go off of media and reports anymore. I don't really see any reason for Biden to stand the ground of commitment to Ukraine...that would certainly be a war we don't need. Let Putin do it, and it could go peacefully too.
Precious_b's Avatar
Des, the taliban didn't kick us out. They just ran the clock down.
... Some o' you lads are making me laugh...

... What a bleedin' shithouse mess you got here!

So IF there's a war - who's gonna handle things?
Biden and who? ... General Milley?

Milley is the one who, with other Military, all said
that Biden didn't listen to them on Afghanistan.
Reports are out about it STILL.
"They weren't ready"...

... So NOW, this foppish old codger is gonna preside
over a war with Russia?? ... With "woke" Generals
and what-not who surely buggered the goose already
in Afghanistan.

How Horribly Sad.

#### Salty
Rather have Biden than Mango Mussolini that is hooker pee buddies with Putin.

Wouldn't surprise me one bit that Trump is bachkchanneling with Putin wanting him to fuck things up.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Rather have Biden than Mango Mussolini that is hooker pee buddies with Putin.

Wouldn't surprise me one bit that Trump is bachkchanneling with Putin wanting him to fuck things up. Originally Posted by CaptainTruth

if you say so
Anytime I see that comment, it just means you agree. If you say so = agree.