Yeah I said it the $600 is no better than the $100 visit

Everyone’s flavor of the month has raised her rates, I think doubled them. After she’s been ran through by every dude in the city but truth is that one of y’all are still trying to wife her.

Waiting for someone to white knight her and say she’s worth it.

What I don’t understand is if it were a chick just screwing dudes for free no one would touch her with a 10 foot pole if she asked them for money.

Also what I don’t understand is how because a female ask for $300 or $600 is she better than the chick asking for $100 because pussy is literally just pussy. The quality doesn’t automatically go up just because someone increases what they ask a guy to pay. A Ford Focus is still JUST a Ford Focus even if Ford started asking fifty grand for it.

Y’all debate how higher costing escorts have better pussy but that’s not always true. I could put 30 ads of females who ask for a crap ton of money some look good but some look bad and they’ve all been screwed by just as many dudes as the $100 chick.

At the end of the day the guy who paid $600 for an hour is still going home without the chick same as the guy who gave $150. Who’s really the biggest loser. Sure he guy who got suckered out of $600 will surely debate he had a better quality time but did you really have that much better of a time than the guy who paid $150, did his thing, and left? Who needs to pay for GFE because NEWS FLASH SHE AIN’T YOUR GIRL SHE BELONGS TO THE PIMP DUMMY!

While y’all brag about how y’all let them use your car or got to pay for a dinner for her the pimp oppps I mean her manager is spending your $600 on new shoes, car payments, rent, weed, alcohol, or just blowing it. So you keep bragging STUPIDS.

The chick who doesn’t let but 1 dude hit it now she’s worth everything because she knows not every dude deserves her no matter how much they offer.
Yep, I've always said that a $100 orgasm feels the same as a $600 one. Only difference is you can have 6 pussies jack you off instead of one.
Yep, I've always said that a $100 orgasm feels the same as a $600 one. Only difference is you can have 6 pussies jack you off instead of one. Originally Posted by royamcr
My point exactly.

At the end of the visit I don’t think man I shoulda got the $600 pussy. I always think I saved $500 damn I’m smart I can nut everyday at this rate
  • mrtee
  • 07-28-2020, 06:05 PM
I’m guessing this discussion is about a certain provider �� hmmm K?
$600 better be for the while week
Depends on where your from, especially.

Miami/Ft. Lauderdale are filled with dime piece providers at $200/hr with MSOG, full gfe, ass eating, etc.

This isn’t a grass is always greener thing, the pussy really is better and cheaper over there
xpetx's Avatar
  • xpetx
  • 07-28-2020, 07:51 PM
I will take the $600 girls. Thanks.
I think imo it has more to do with IOP and the qaulity of the visit as well as the attractiveness of the higher end girls.
I cant imagine the $100 girl is going to throw on the negligee and lotion herself and prepare up along with other stuff. The way a $100 hr will see 6 dudes a day will go through. Work smart not hard would be my 2 cents.
If we're talking about the gal I think we're talking about....I did say it was coming as soon as she got enough reviews under her belt. I'm not knocking anyone's hustle that's willing to lay down that kind of coin, but this says it best....IMO

Yep, I've always said that a $100 orgasm feels the same as a $600 one. Only difference is you can have 6 pussies jack you off instead of one. Originally Posted by royamcr
I have no idea what is going on and now I'm too afraid to ask.
JoJoGirl's Avatar
If we're talking about the gal I think we're talking about....I did say it was coming as soon as she got enough reviews under her belt. I'm not knocking anyone's hustle that's willing to lay down that kind of coin, but this says it best....IMO Originally Posted by whatstheplay
I'm not sure where he gets his info but at least on P411 her rate hasn't changed as of her posting tonight. Assuming we're talking about the same flavor of the month...
TailHooked's Avatar
Well who is this girl? I can guess but it takes all the fun out of it. Lol. What is the point to this thread. So she is charging more. It may stop some guys but not others. There is a limit I will pay too. Is the experience the same? I guess it is how you look at it. In some aspects it is. In others there is no simularities.

All I can say is the higher dollar girl tends to be in a nice 4-5 star hotel, has a website with up to date professional pics, is wearing a expensive and well fitted outfit, nice manicure and hair, toned body, nice perfume/body spray, usually no tattoos, has a drink to offer and has a nice smile. All that costs and that is why their price is high.

The lower cost girl will not go to that trouble. You might wonder if she will look like her pics, whether you car will still be there, will you be safe, will you get a full hour, etc.
  • Roboz
  • 07-29-2020, 06:20 AM
It's all about paying for the experience you want in the environment you want and your willingness to part with your dollars. I don't begrudge any price point--it is a business--I just know where my top price point is--and stay within it
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I think imo it has more to do with IOP and the qaulity of the visit as well as the attractiveness of the higher end girls.
I cant imagine the $100 girl is going to throw on the negligee and lotion herself and prepare up along with other stuff. Originally Posted by BigDeal
... All I can say is the higher dollar girl tends to be in a nice 4-5 star hotel, has a website with up to date professional pics, is wearing a expensive and well fitted outfit, nice manicure and hair, toned body, nice perfume/body spray, usually no tattoos, has a drink to offer and has a nice smile. Originally Posted by TailHooked
It's all about paying for the experience you want in the environment you want and your willingness to part with your dollars. Originally Posted by Roboz
These items ^^^^

I'll add that it's also the gal's attitude. Although good attitudes with nice IOP can be found at all price points, it's somewhat rare at lower price points.