Out of town provider visits.

xquzme1's Avatar

How would you go about inviting some of the providers from Dallas that we would love to see if we had the time to drive to Dallas for an appointment?

I am thinking maybe compiling a list of favorites and having Horn I Dog invite them to Shreve on our behalf

I had the thought because I just asked Bylieght (sp?) on P411 to consider a visit and if we could express enough interest maybe we could increase the number of visits by different providers?

Your thoughts
MuffinMan's Avatar
I'm not Staff, but I can answer your question. Believe me, HID and myself have done more than our share of inviting providers over to this area and trying to smooth the way for their coming to visit.

The only way they will come is to PM them with your desire for them to visit and see to it that they have enough pre-booked gentlemen to make it worth their time. Oh.... make that "gentlemen whom are reputable and known for keeping appointments".

If they are reputable Dallas ladies and you want to see them bad enough, then a pre-booked appointment WITH a deposit should be no problem.

Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Muffy: Thanks for covering my huge ass! Today was a travel day for moi. I'm back! Lol

You nailed it! You and a bunch of other "elder statesmen" busted ass to start the flow of gals this way.

As far as my inviting gals here on behalf of gents, I'm semi-open. I will not talk to gals on behalf of lurkers. I completely respect the lurkers choice to remain behind the scenes. I understand their concerns. But I'm not going to start recruiting gals so the lurkers can have a menu to choose from.

If a group of respected posters would ask my assistance bringing in a certain gal, I'd be open to discussion. BUT I will not commit to booking. Currently my personal targets are narrow.

So, basically I'll help out if a group needs assistance. But I don't see me, Muffy or the rest of the ALL TOO FEW guys that post frequently doing the recruiting for others based on polls.

Shine-on-me's Avatar
Is thre any chance we could have a Sport meet annd greet party with the providers. Just a thought.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
SOM: We use to have an annual social. Muffy hosted it. My recollection is that it got to be a pain in the butt. Lurkers were invited but they had to pass screening. There were always a ton of guys trying to get in at the last minute, didn't want to get screened, etc.

That being said, I for one would love to see the social resurrected. But with all the other crap on my plate there's no way I can deal with it.

GMTA's Avatar
  • GMTA
  • 09-18-2010, 08:47 AM
Well the last on we had was in e texas and the turn out was not that great I even didn`t get to go and was half way there when I had to return to work . HID is right guys just don`t wish to be screened .
xquzme1's Avatar
Thanks everyone for your comments!!
I will continue my personal invitations but I think it is highly unlikely that one request will get these ladies to commit to a visit from Dallas.
xquzme1's Avatar
Suprise Suprise... Invitations do work!! Got a reply today from Angel P17431 (P411) saying that she will schedule a stop here in a few months.

So guys if you have someone in the Dallas area that you would like to see PLEASE invite them over. Who know you may just get lucky!!!!
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
FYI her eccie handle is angel4you. She's also been known as angeldivine. Good gal. She blurs her face for security reasons NOT because she's unattractive.


MuffinMan's Avatar
Good looking lady, but $$$.5 in today's economy is outside my comfort level. I hope she does well here and you guys have fun. Ask and they will come!
The Kingfish's Avatar
I have seen her....great girl...beautiful physique and knows how to please....will be looking ofr her dates
The Kingfish's Avatar
How about we work on getting Xyleena to visit Sport? Out of Dallas very nice
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Good looking lady, but $$$.5 in today's economy is outside my comfort level. I hope she does well here and you guys have fun. Ask and they will come!
MM Originally Posted by MuffinMan

Minor disagreement. Ask and BOOK and they will come. By reports to me, the Sovana had a good tour. But seems most bookings are down. Yeah, I know the economy stinks and hobby dollars are low. So choose wisely, book and then SHOW UP.

Heck, a semi-local gal just told me she's had no replies to her recent ad. So step up to the plate if a gal is pitching what you are looking for and don't wait until the last minute.

Jade Mackie's Avatar
Well I'm here for the weekend with nothing to do.... ;-)
interesting thread....
im not from dallas but considering a visit there