Shun RIT Professor Lawrence Torcello

You can't trust this totalitarian thug wannabe:

An assistant philosophy professor at Rochester Institute of Technology wants to send people who disagree with him about global warming to jail.
The professor is Lawrence Torcello. Last week, he published a 900-word-plus essay at an academic website called The Conversation.
His main complaint is his belief that certain nefarious, unidentified individuals have organized a “campaign funding misinformation.” Such a campaign, he argues, “ought to be considered criminally negligent.”

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trojantide's Avatar
What are you mad about? That he believes in climate change or the he believes deniers should be held accountable for ignoring science? Just checking.
BTW, I think his essay is idiotic drivel. But he doesn't say you should be put in jail if you don't believe in what 99% of the scientific community has supported. At least the scientists that are not blinded by religious dogma.
As for criminal accountability, I would agree that is a real bad idea.
pyramider's Avatar
WTF??? Rochester has an institute of technology? Who would have thunck it?
The Drummer's Avatar
These "professors" will write anything. They're required by college accrediting entities, such as Midlake (RIT’s agency) to periodically produce what’s called “Academic Scholarship”.

We all know what PhD stands for: “Piled Higher and Deeper”.
Big time party school

The Drummer's Avatar
Where's their cameras?
Nigel007again's Avatar
I bet the girl with her head up is getting poked by at least two short country men......Frotteurism is king... Lol
Is that a sock in your pocket or are you just happy to see me