Massive Voter Fraud Discovered in North Carolina’s 2012 Election
The North Carolina State Board of Elections has found thousands of instances of voter fraud in the state, thanks to a 28-state crosscheck of voter rolls. Initial findings suggest widespread election fraud.
  • 765 voters with an exact match of first and last name, DOB and last four digits of SSN were registered in N.C. and another state and voted in N.C. and the other state in the 2012 general election.
  • 35,750 voters with the same first and last name and DOB were registered in N.C. and another state and voted in both states in the 2012 general election.
  • 155,692 voters with the same first and last name, DOB and last four digits of SSN were registered in N.C. and another state – and the latest date of registration or voter activity did not take place within N.C.
The second point is key, as double voting is election fraud under state and federal statutes. Punishment for double voting in federal elections can include jail time."
How is this POSSIBLE? The Democrats SWORE that voter fraud was NEGLIGIBLE!
Massive Voter Fraud Discovered in North Carolina’s 2012 Election Originally Posted by Sidewinder
Oops, fuk'n Republicant's were caught with their hands in the cookie jar once again.

The question now becomes, were the NC Repubes:

1) Just trying to steal the election?
2) Just trying to prove their actually was "voter fraud"?
3) Or both?

Please vote for one of the above!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Oops, fuk'n Republicant's were caught with their hands in the cookie jar once again. Originally Posted by bigtex
What will you have to say when it's discovered that all of those bogus votes went to dimocrats?

"Liberalism is a mental disorder."

Your honor, I rest my case.
I B Hankering's Avatar
What will you have to say when it's discovered that all of those bogus votes went to dimocrats?

"Liberalism is a mental disorder."

Your honor, I rest my case. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
+1 Especially since it's Republicans bringing this news to the public's attention.
Ya'll are being racist. Jesus Gonzalez is a very popular name in the NC Hispanic community.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
To actually know that there is voter fraud all you have to do is listen to the uproar of democrats when you attempt to take measures to prevent it.
does George Forman live there?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The North Carolina State Board of Elections has found thousands of instances of voter fraud in the state, thanks to a 28-state crosscheck of voter rolls. Initial findings suggest widespread election fraud.
  • 765 voters with an exact match of first and last name, DOB and last four digits of SSN were registered in N.C. and another state and voted in N.C. and the other state in the 2012 general election.
  • 35,750 voters with the same first and last name and DOB were registered in N.C. and another state and voted in both states in the 2012 general election.
  • 155,692 voters with the same first and last name, DOB and last four digits of SSN were registered in N.C. and another state – and the latest date of registration or voter activity did not take place within N.C.
The second point is key, as double voting is election fraud under state and federal statutes. Punishment for double voting in federal elections can include jail time."
How is this POSSIBLE? The Democrats SWORE that voter fraud was NEGLIGIBLE! Originally Posted by Sidewinder
Hopefully, the findings will encourage people to take the problem more seriously, rather than claim it is a small problem or made up in order to suppress minority voting.
Budman's Avatar
It actually makes no difference what party they belong to. The bottom line is it's voter fraud and the republicans have been trying to put policies in place to make it more difficult to commit and the dems have stood in the way at every step. Maybe they will see that it is a problem and work to stop it. I know that is wishful thinking but they can no longer claim it doesn't exist.
It is about time we get comprehensive Voter ID laws......
I B Hankering's Avatar
It actually makes no difference what party they belong to. The bottom line is it's voter fraud and the republicans have been trying to put policies in place to make it more difficult to commit and the dems have stood in the way at every step. Maybe they will see that it is a problem and work to stop it. I know that is wishful thinking but they can no longer claim it doesn't exist. Originally Posted by Budman
Well think of the bright side. If it weren't for voter fraud we all wouldn't be so blessed to have Barack as President. Just imagine we would have the other guy if things weren't so corrupt.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-03-2014, 07:55 AM
Well think of the bright side. If it weren't for voter fraud we all wouldn't be so blessed to have Barack as President. Just imagine we would have the other guy if things weren't so corrupt.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

the bright side ... you ain't on it Goober. Take a walk.
Complete fucking horseshit.

This nonsense is timed to support the additional voter suppression laws passed by the NC Republican legislature last year. The republicans can't win a national election without making sure that they make it harder for Democrats to vote. They're doing it all over the country. This bullshit is designed to support the fantasy that there is a need for these new laws beyond trying to stack the deck in favor of the GOP. Shameful is what it is....Republicans trying to curtail that most basic right of all US citizens, the right to vote.

>>>>Republicans leaders immediately touted the preliminary report as evidence they were justified in approving sweeping elections changes last year that include requiring voters to present photo ID at the polls, cutting days from the period for early voting and ending a popular civics program that encouraged high school students to pre-register to vote in advance of their 18th birthdays.<<<<<

The reality? Here is what the person in charge of the "investigation" said yesterday:

>>>"Could it be voter fraud? Sure, it could be voter fraud," Strach said. "Could it be an error on the part of a precinct person choosing the wrong person's name in the first place? It could be. We're looking at each of these individual cases."<<<

Other states that have conducted almost identical voter cross check investigations have shown little or no voter fraud after all the work was done.

>>>>However, other states using the cross-check system have yielded relatively few criminal prosecutions for voter fraud once the cases were thoroughly investigated.
Only 11 people were prosecuted on allegations of double-voting as a result of the 15 states that performed similar database checks following the 2010 elections, according to data compiled by elections officials in Kansas, where the cross-check program originated.<<<<<

Link: from FOX no less.....get some fucking facts before you start posting up you morons.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Complete fucking horseshit.

This nonsense is timed to support the additional voter suppression laws passed by the NC Republican legislature last year. The republicans can't win a national election without making sure that they make it harder for Democrats to vote. They're doing it all over the country. This bullshit is designed to support the fantasy that there is a need for these new laws beyond trying to stack the deck in favor of the GOP. Shameful is what it is....Republicans trying to curtail that most basic right of all US citizens, the right to vote.

>>>>Republicans leaders immediately touted the preliminary report as evidence they were justified in approving sweeping elections changes last year that include requiring voters to present photo ID at the polls, cutting days from the period for early voting and ending a popular civics program that encouraged high school students to pre-register to vote in advance of their 18th birthdays.<<<<<

The reality? Here is what the person in charge of the "investigation" said yesterday:

>>>"Could it be voter fraud? Sure, it could be voter fraud," Strach said. "Could it be an error on the part of a precinct person choosing the wrong person's name in the first place? It could be. We're looking at each of these individual cases."<<<

Other states that have conducted almost identical voter cross check investigations have shown little or no voter fraud after all the work was done.

>>>>However, other states using the cross-check system have yielded relatively few criminal prosecutions for voter fraud once the cases were thoroughly investigated.
Only 11 people were prosecuted on allegations of double-voting as a result of the 15 states that performed similar database checks following the 2010 elections, according to data compiled by elections officials in Kansas, where the cross-check program originated.<<<<<

Link: from FOX no less.....get some fucking facts before you start posting up you morons. Originally Posted by timpage

Funny how you so quickly turned to Fox, Little Timmy-tard, but FYI, Little Timmy-tard, the North Carolina State Board of Elections findings presented to the Joint Legislative Elections Oversight Committee show:
  • 765 voters with an exact match of first and last name, DOB and last four digits of SSN were registered in N.C. and another state and voted in N.C. and the other state in the 2012 general election.
  • 35,750 voters with the same first and last name and DOB were registered in N.C. and another state and voted in both states in the 2012 general election.
  • 155,692 voters with the same first and last name, DOB and last four digits of SSN were registered in N.C. and another state – and the latest date of registration or voter activity did not take place within N.C.
These findings only take into account data from the 28 states who participated in the 2014 Interstate Crosscheck, leaving out potential voter error and fraud in the 22 states that do not participate in the consortium.

Additionally, during an audit of death records from the Department of Health and Human Services, the Board discovered:
50,000 new death records that had not previously been provided to the State Board of Elections.
  • 13,416 deceased voters on the voter rolls in October 2013.
  • 81 deceased voters that had voter activity after they died.