Tea Wiper senate candidate speaks at cockfighting rally

But claims not to have known it.....amusing. From Colbert:

>>>Monday night's "Colbert Report" had a field day with one of the more obvious subjects for comedy this primary season — Mitch McConnell's challenger Matt Bevin and his supposedly accidental appearance at a cockfight.

After Kentucky GOPer Matt Bevin spoke at a cockfighting rally last week — which he later said he mistook for a "states rights rally" — critics such as the Humane Society Legislative Action Fund have criticized his appearance and even called on him to withdraw from the race.

Identifying himself as a "cockthusiast," Colbert chided the "the liberal Kentucky media" for hounding the tea partier on his choice of venue: "A candidate has to reach all constituencies; soccer moms, cockfighting dads, bear-baiting uncles, horse-whipping sisters in law."

Nevertheless, the late night host said it was possible Bevin didn't realize he was attending a cockfighting event.

"He's moving all over the state, speaking here, speaking there — his handlers drive him around in a windowless van with a bag on his head," the comedy host imagined. "Then they whip it off and he just goes for it, 'Liberty! Tax cuts!' and then back in the bag."

With a wag of his finger, Colbert summed up: "So lay off Matt Bevin, he does not condone it, but if you're gonna hold a rally to support cockfighting he will be there —and not know why."
Apparently he prefers cock.

Typical Tea Bagger!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-08-2014, 11:02 AM
typical tea party moron ... ... wants to run the country but cant tell the difference between a state rights rally and a chicken fight ..

oh wait ...
He's into cocks and is republican?

Who is surprised?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Typical, you can't tell the whole truth. There was no cockfighting going on at this event. This was about changing the law and not breaking the law. So if there is no cockfighting, how do you know that it is about cockfighting when you probably do roll up on the event just minutes before you go on stage?
Typical, you can't tell the whole truth. There was no cockfighting going on at this event. This was about changing the law and not breaking the law. So if there is no cockfighting, how do you know that it is about cockfighting when you probably do roll up on the event just minutes before you go on stage? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Is there no limit to the stupid shit you will post up Admiral Dunce? While I have no doubt that you are so fucking dumb that you don't know where you are going or what events you are attending, this fellow is running for the United States Senate. Presumably, he has an IQ above room temperature, unlike you.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Is there no limit to the stupid shit you will post up Admiral Dunce? While I have no doubt that you are so fucking dumb that you don't know where you are going or what events you are attending, this fellow is running for the United States Senate. Presumably, he has an IQ above room temperature, unlike you. Originally Posted by timpage

58 words in your response. Five words are insults, 11 words lead up to insults, None of them answer what I wrote. You know, none, zero, null, nada, bupkis, zilch, not a...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, JDIdiot, but you blindly defend the TeaWipe who went to the political gathering where the subject was cockfighting. if he didn't know about it, then why should an uninformed dunce like that be elected?

why don't YOU read the whole story.

Good thing for us, that rally wasn't about the JUNK business!
58 words in your response. Five words are insults, 11 words lead up to insults, None of them answer what I wrote. You know, none, zero, null, nada, bupkis, zilch, not a... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What should the answer be Admiral? How am I supposed to argue with someone that is so fucking stupid that he advocates the argument that a candidate for the United States Senate doesn't know where he is when he is making a speech and that it doesn't matter that he doesn't know? You're an idiot.....how can one even begin to communicate with you where that is not the starting and ending point?
Typical, you can't tell the whole truth. There was no cockfighting going on at this event. This was about changing the law and not breaking the law. So if there is no cockfighting, how do you know that it is about cockfighting when you probably do roll up on the event just minutes before you go on stage? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Just when I begin to think that JD Idiot cannot possibly post something even more stupid than the last stupid thing he posted, he always manages to outdo himself!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Does anybody else notice how you never see JDIdiot and Simple Jack (IFFFFFYYYYEIEIO) in the same room? Maybe JDIdiot is Simple Jack's professional persona; the one he uses when he gets out of the state facility for the day...
JCM800's Avatar
Politicians are always chasing the elusive "cockfighting" vote.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Him attending a cockfighting rally pales in comparison to the corruption of Obama and his administration.
It pales in comparison to the thief Reid.
It pales in comparison to Hillary "what does it matter now" Clinton.
It pales in comparison to Obama's criminal acts and his protection by His consigliere Holder.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
TwoPups, that's another bullshit argument. You're making excuses for the dimwit In question.

This has to do with him, not the others. There have been one or two threads posted about them by members of the BUT BUT BUT BUT club.

So thanks for keeping it juvenile.
Him attending a cockfighting rally pales in comparison to the corruption of Obama and his administration.
It pales in comparison to the thief Reid.
It pales in comparison to Hillary "what does it matter now" Clinton.
It pales in comparison to Obama's criminal acts and his protection by His consigliere Holder. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Utterly fucking ridiculous. This is the Lusty Lad halfwit method of argument. Change the subject to something where you think you have better arguments and hope nobody notices.

All of the things you list pale in comparison to Nixon lying to the American people about Watergate.

They pale in comparison to George Bush leading us into a disastrous war in Iraq that cost thousands of American lives and a trillion dollars.

And, so on. Stick to the point. If you want to argue about Reid being a thief, throw up a post. That has shit to do with what we are talking about here.