Al Sharpton......FBI Informant and Mob Snitch

This is really a strange story.
Was Sharpton a drug liaison for The Genovese Familly, got caught in a sting, and turned informant, or was as he says, just a concerned citizen who decided to help the FBI in the fight against the cocain trade.

One thing is for sure. The Mob knows the truth, and they now know that Sharpton was a informant. If a regular citizen with no ties to the Mob helps the FBI in case as a witness, then the Mob will generally leave them alone. But, if the informant was first working with the Mob, and was "flipped" per say, then he is, in their eyes, a Rat. We know what the Mob does to Rats.

The Genovese Familly is still alive and well. They don't forget.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-08-2014, 03:57 PM
Sleazy Al can't be a rat... he already is
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar

This is really a strange story.
Was Sharpton a drug liaison for The Genovese Familly, got caught in a sting, and turned informant, or was as he says, just a concerned citizen who decided to help the FBI in the fight against the cocain trade.

One thing is for sure. The Mob knows the truth, and they now know that Sharpton was a informant. If a regular citizen with no ties to the Mob helps the FBI in case as a witness, then the Mob will generally leave them alone. But, if the informant was first working with the Mob, and was "flipped" per say, then he is, in their eyes, a Rat. We know what the Mob does to Rats.

The Genovese Familly is still alive and well. They don't forget. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Wow, so he is really a law and order conservative helpin' "The Man" bust crime. Now that's a twist!
Sure he is.
I agree with a Bob Beckle on The Five, noted liberal. The FBI had him dead to rights on something serious, he decided to wear a wire.

He should have went into witness protection. I guess he believed all of that crap about confidentiality. Alas, someone leaked the info, now the Mob knows he is a rat.

What goes around, comes around.
Fat or skinny... fucking piece of shit... snitches get stitches... he would look good in a Italian neck tie.

This is really a strange story.
Was Sharpton a drug liaison for The Genovese Familly, got caught in a sting, and turned informant, or was as he says, just a concerned citizen who decided to help the FBI in the fight against the cocain trade.

One thing is for sure. The Mob knows the truth, and they now know that Sharpton was a informant. If a regular citizen with no ties to the Mob helps the FBI in case as a witness, then the Mob will generally leave them alone. But, if the informant was first working with the Mob, and was "flipped" per say, then he is, in their eyes, a Rat. We know what the Mob does to Rats.

The Genovese Familly is still alive and well. They don't forget. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I kinda doubt he had any ties with the Genovese Family. Maybe the FBI but not the Mob.

TheDaliLama's Avatar
like the hair back then
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Sleazy Al can't be a rat... he already is Originally Posted by CJ7
He is also on your side, politically.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-08-2014, 10:31 PM
He is also on your side, politically. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

your Daddy
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This is Al Sharpton. He's not doing the right thing, he's working off something that he got caught doing. Should investigate what the FBI had on him that forced him to turn stoolie.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 04-09-2014, 04:38 AM
Fucker deserves a pair of concrete shoes, or the very least inside a couple of cases of alpo dog food. Lol
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Al Sharpton, much like Shelia Jackson Lee, are true representatives of the people that support them.
Al Sharpton, much like Shelia Jackson Lee, are true representatives of the people that support them. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
That is a very true statement.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Al Sharpton, much like Shelia Jackson Lee, are true representatives of the people that support them. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I agree - they are not embarrassed by them, for some reason.
I agree - they are not embarrassed by them, for some reason. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
liberals are all like that

no matter what, stick together through thick or thin

it is especially true of black liberals

one thing abt Sharpton, its obvious the FBI had him dead to rights and had him wear a wire or else