too late ...

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  • CJ7
  • 04-10-2014, 11:11 AM

Louie Gohmert: God 'answered my prayers' by creating the Tea Party.

Gohmert should've prayed for a brain instead.
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  • CJ7
  • 04-10-2014, 11:25 AM
Tags: 2014 Midterm Elections | Tea Party | Tea | Party | Senate | midterm

Tea Party Must Keep Out the Kooks

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Will be interesting to see who all dumps on Reagan...
Will be interesting to see who all dumps on Reagan... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
It's always amusing to watch the mouthbreathers worship at the Ronald Reagan altar without apparently realizing that in today's toxic atmosphere, Reagan would be run out of Washington by their representatives as a dirty tax-raising, immigrant loving, anti-gun liberal. Can't make that shit up. They would all hate him today and yet let no opportunity pass without referring to the nirvana that all republicans knew from 1980-88 when the Gipper ruled supreme. Fucking knuckleheads.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-10-2014, 01:35 PM
Not a huge Mike Reagan fan, but he is OK. And he hit it on the head with this one:

"If Republicans are going to win general elections in 2014 and beyond, we've got to put up principled conservative candidates who sound like senators, congressmen, and governors — not kooks."

I really would like to get back to voting for Republicans. The TPers, and especially the Thumpers, need to finally split off and form their own party so the same republicans can put up some viable candidates.
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  • Old-T
  • 04-10-2014, 01:39 PM
It's always amusing to watch the mouthbreathers worship at the Ronald Reagan altar without apparently realizing that in today's toxic atmosphere, Reagan would be run out of Washington by their representatives as a dirty tax-raising, immigrant loving, anti-gun liberal. Can't make that shit up. They would all hate him today and yet let no opportunity pass without referring to the nirvana that all republicans knew from 1980-88 when the Gipper ruled supreme. Fucking knuckleheads. Originally Posted by timpage
Spot on. They have distorted the real Reagan just like history has distorted the real Washington and the real JFK.

I voted for Reagan, I voted for Bush-1, I even voted for Bush-2 the first time. But the last 3 presidential campaigns have not really given me much choice.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Spot on. They have distorted the real Reagan just like history has distorted the real Washington and the real JFK.

I voted for Reagan, I voted for Bush-1, I even voted for Bush-2 the first time. But the last 3 presidential campaigns have not really given me much choice. Originally Posted by Old-T
Honestly, Reagan basically proved amnesty was a big mistake. I supported what he was doing at the time, hoping it would humanely solve the problem created by exploitative employers rather than make another 10 million poor, unskilled workers come here and work cheap, distort the labor market against native born and bring their families to collect government benefits in excess of their meager tax contributions.
Of course, some of the immigrants have brought pretty, little, skinny Latina daughters (age 18 plus), so it isn't a total loss...