Help me out guys and gals

kamaboy's Avatar
So if you read alerts you know that I was robbed by this girl beth on backpages. I want to stop her and her pimp and I want some sort of justice. I know that we all take risk in this hobby, but I guess since I have never been in such a bad postion. The only thing I can think of is if we send this robbing duo on a wild goose chase. What do you think?
Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
I am sorry that this as happened to you, but i do not want any part of this drama and i do not believe that this is the way to handle it. You have posted an alert, and you can choose to call or not call LE. But as people have brought up many man times, this is a one sided story. Not saying that what you are saying is false, but not to sound cliche` but two wrongs don't make a right.

I wish you luck on better hobbying
oshins's Avatar
I know this isn't what you want to hear, but...

The best thing you can do is chalk it up to a really expensive learning experience.

Hit the heavy bag and work it off. That's what I do when I get twisted.
uparoundnoon's Avatar
Wow! A search on that number reveals over 120 ads in the last 6 weeks with at least 70 different photos and 8 girls names. None of the pics has a face and they are all just body shots and ALL outcalls. It's definitely a pimp calling himself Naughty Angels and a few other things. How EXACTLY did they rob you? What happened so we can know their M.O.? They have such a heavy presence on BP some of us are bound to run into them so could you be more specific. I'm all for trying to get rid of this kind of foolishness but just a little alert being vague and requesting us to make bogus dates will do very little.
handyGiraffe's Avatar
Once upon a time two robbers approached a "guy" in the parking lot of local sports venue showing him a knife...and demanding his billfold and cash in his pocket. The "guy" is unlocking his car door..and says...the billfold is in my glove box...let me get it for you...opens the glove box and pulls out a 45...and pointing it at the robbers he says now...give me all of your cash and both of your billfolds.....he kept the cash...drove to the nearest police cruiser and handed them the billfolds....

True story...and this situation with the girl can be handled in the same way....just saying
SofaKingFun's Avatar
While I can certainly understand your plight, and your wanting to get even. You've posted an alert and have warned others anything more than that could bring added drama into your humble existence.

I'd strongly advise anyone against what handyGiraffe suggested. Sure, it could work out. But it could also turn really, really, ugly. In the end, the loss of your cash just isn't worth the consequences of what could come from one taking that approach. More importantly, why even invite such a situation?

Yeah, I'd hate to get jacked out of my hard earned dollars by some fucking thug. I'd hate it even more knowing that I took someone's life or that I ended up in the hospital all cut the fuck up when I could have just handed over my wallet and gone on about my business. Sure it sucks. But weigh it all up. Personally, I'd prefer to live to hobby another day.
alamomike's Avatar
Sorry you got robbed. Don't stoop to their level, easy to say, hard to do - you need to chalk it up to experience and move on.