Review: Fun Beginning to the Day

Date: 05/13/2014
Provider: Sexy Tonie
Phone: 256-558-4817
Email Address:
URL / Website:
City: Jackson
State: Mississippi
Address: Hotel struggling to retain mid-level status just off I-55 in north Jackson
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: Yes
Activities: Hugging, BBBJ, Breast Play, MISH. List is kind of boring, but that's what I like, not what she offered.
Session Length: 30 minutes
Fee: $200 (was planning to stay an hour, read ROS)
Hair Length and Color: Brown, long in the pictures, pinned up during session.
Age: Late 20s-ish
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Taller by far than she looks in the pictures, quite attractive, breasts on the large-ish end (I suck at guessing cup sizes), plenty to play with but not so much they sag. Not overweight but not skinny either. A few tasteful tats on back, one large one across lower back. Bare down low (I think, I was nervous and didn't ogle it. . .I'm basing this on memory).
Recommendation: Yes
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Nice review.
stone cold911's Avatar
Nice review. Thanks
biomed1's Avatar
The Lady has a profile here under the name sexy_tonie

JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
She has been a Verified Provider here - not sure why she has not asked to be reinstated after her absence.

Nice review
Date: 05/13/2014
Provider: Sexy Tonie
Phone: 256-558-4817
Email Address:
URL / Website:
City: Jackson
State: Mississippi
Address: Hotel struggling to retain mid-level status just off I-55 in north Jackson
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: Yes
Activities: Hugging, BBBJ, Breast Play, MISH. List is kind of boring, but that's what I like, not what she offered.
Session Length: 30 minutes
Fee: $200 (was planning to stay an hour, read ROS)
Hair Length and Color: Brown, long in the pictures, pinned up during session.
Age: Late 20s-ish
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Taller by far than she looks in the pictures, quite attractive, breasts on the large-ish end (I suck at guessing cup sizes), plenty to play with but not so much they sag. Not overweight but not skinny either. A few tasteful tats on back, one large one across lower back. Bare down low (I think, I was nervous and didn't ogle it. . .I'm basing this on memory).
Recommendation: Yes Originally Posted by nosaints
I have seen tonie before had a nice time at a reasonable rate.