Clients Being turned down because the Girl they want too see has seen someone they don't get along with. Is this Fair to you guys?

Okay so I am curious has a gentlemen ever been turned down for and appt because of the girl that he is wanting to see looked at his okays and noticed he gave and okay to that girl or wrote her a review? And that girl dose not like that girl. This was brought to my attention today so I am curious now. Or vice Versa a Man wanting to see a girl but saw that she has see so and so who wrote her a review and dose not care for this gentlemen?

Thanks for the Inputs.
Oooh I would loooove to know who did that!! Pretty messed up!
I have not turned down seeing a provider based only upon who she has seen BCD in the past and/or did a review on her, that is silly and childish, but I am sure it happens, especially on this site. Also, I have never been told the reason a provider will not see me is because I have reviewed and/or been BCD with a provider she does not like or get along with, which again, would be silly and childish.

Would anyone admit to doing that in an open forum such as this, I doubt it, but the mentality/maturity level of some individuals here, while maybe high in other areas, is very low on this site (grade school mentality) so you might get one or two who would acknowledge that they have done just that.
FunInDFW's Avatar
I did have someone tell me they won't see clients if they've seen certain providers, yes. However, it wasn't because of dislike. Probably the same basis for many that have a DNS list.

As far as not seeing someone because of who she has seen... Hard to imagine someone doing that based off an internet persona as you wouldn't likely known them outside the site. I suppose if you were racist, though, it would be a possibility.

However, and at the risk of contradicting myself- I could see it possible for some people to avoid a provider, or seek an ok/write a review based on their 'over zealous' fans/wk/supporters/whatever.

Edit15: to answer your title question directly: Yes, it is fair. This is a business, and it is fair to see and not see clients for whatever you think is the best practice for your business and product. Conversely, a provider could seek out a client who has seen certain providers to poach their business. Whether you admit to or tell someone that...
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I have asked a guy for another additional reference before if the lady has drama, unsafe business practices, and or is bat shit crazy and hates me for no apparent reason...

If I turned down every guy that has seen a girl I don't particularly care for on this board Id never get any business.
Grace Preston's Avatar
In my experience...

1. In general, I will not turn a gent down simply because of who he has seen. The only glaring exception to this is about a year ago I had a "lady" (using the term loosely) directly threaten me and then almost immediately afterwards I had a flood of requests from gents who had recently seen her. I declined their requests because I was not willing to run the risk of it just being an attempt to get my incall info.

2. If a gent gives me only 1 reference and it happens to be from a lady whom I do not trust (and it is HARD to get on my no-fly list)... I will ask him for another reference. If he does not have another reference, I will have to decline until he has another reference to offer me.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
and also +1 to everything Grace mentioned.
If this really happens it sounds like "that girl" lost an oppournity. And that don't make "cents"
doug_dfw's Avatar
How would a Hobbyist know if a Provider rejected because hos okays show he visited a Provider she dislikes- unless the rejector tells the Hobbyist? so I think this thread is for Providers to man up. For me, all I ever get is no reply when I ask. Being a free market, I move on.
pyramider's Avatar
It happens all the time.
If that is the reason, it's very childish.
pyramider's Avatar
Not really.

Grace Preston's Avatar
If that is the reason, it's very childish. Originally Posted by Jarvis
Depends on the REASON. If it is a simple matter of not liking someone, then yes, it is quite childish. But often times it goes much deeper than that. You have to consider the fact that we are working in an industry that is under constant threat from LE, CPS, and being outed.
It's the ladies business. She can choose to see whomever she wants. Why does it matter to anyone else?
Which is why P411 is my preferred method to schedule, it minimizes childish behavior.

Not really.

Originally Posted by pyramider