Most you need to know about pimped providers

By GracePreston Ok.. here is my take on it.
If you are seeing a pretty little thing under the age of 22, chances are good that she is pimped or managed in some way. Deep down, we all know this is true. But the fact of the matter is-- the cute, fit 20 year old that will swallow your load and smile is one of the "Holy Grails" in the hobby. As long as said management stays in the shadows and doesn't cause problems... her phone will ring off the hook. And really-- that is ok. We should not be shaming people for who they choose to see. The stupidity of this is that her pimp chose to go gorilla. Why, dude? Why fuck up such a cash cow like that? When you have business lined up like that in DALLAS... one of the hardest cities to stay consistently busy... you have something special. Foolish man fucked it up, IMO.

If she wasn't bruised, beaten, or obviously dabbling in substances that we cannot mention, then I frankly am not going to get involved in the shaming. There are lots of girls who started out on that side of things... saw just how lucrative it could be... then broke free and started doing things on their own. From what I hear, with her looks and service level-- minus the recent action she was an absolute gem. Whether she had the maturity and business acumen to do it on her own is another subject for another time... a lot of young girls just don't have the TCB to handle it-- this is another truth we all know.

I love being independent. I love controlling my own business, my own schedule, and my own advertising and marketing. But the business end of things just isn't for everyone. So why should I judge the choices that others make? Don't get me wrong-- those who are controlled by force, intimidation, assault, and chemical means NEED saving-- but they are damn near impossible to save until they choose to get away. Which brings it all back to-- is the pimp visibly involved and is there an imminent threat? If the answer to that question is no.. then what the fuck does it really matter? Hobby the way you choose and have your fun. And please, be sure to warn the community IF things DO go rogue. That is just responsible participation, IMO.
muffin101's Avatar
Thanks for digging this up Bossy!

TheAntichrist666's Avatar
TinMan's Avatar
I agree 100% with everything Grace says here.

Johnny Law, however, appears to want to make it our business, too (see my "proposed national legislation" thread).
Grace Preston's Avatar
Holy Zombie Post, Batman!!

TinMan... it is to my understanding that this board is already hosted overseas. While the new laws getting passed may still have impact-- only time will tell the level.
modus's Avatar
  • modus
  • 05-23-2014, 06:55 AM
The current host for this site is located in Amsterdam, Montreal, New York, and Los Angeles. I don't know where exactly this site is hosted.
TinMan's Avatar
That may take care of one aspect of what congress is trying to do, but with that slew of legislation that cleared the House it appears they are trying to attack the problem on a number of fronts.

It may not be time to hit the panic button yet, but it is something we all need to pay attention to, and make adjustments as the situation warrants (particularly those that visit providers/establishments that appear to be the primary focus). This stuff usually changes a lot before it becomes law, but given its bipartisan support it's likely something will eventually pass and become law.
modus's Avatar
  • modus
  • 05-23-2014, 09:54 AM
I'm sure ads like this don't help.
This is what I don't get...
If I did a taste tests of steaks..
One from Sizzler, one from Outback and one from Peter Lugers..
I would dang well be able to tell which once is from which...

Maybe an ad may get past you here and there, but once you arrive, can you not tell if a girl is in a really bad situation, a situation where she just likes someone else to handle the secretarial part of her business or if she is independent?

I know some of don't care, and that's your choice.. I'm not talking about that..

I'm talking about the ones that care.

Can you not tell?
TinMan's Avatar
I'm better at it. Much better. But I still get fooled every once in awhile. It took years, though, before I stopped kidding myself about what was really going on with a lot of these women. I expect a lot of guys here, particularly the newer ones, really are that naive. Many don't care, and as you say that's their business, not mine.

Best (for me) to avoid all who fit a certain profile, just in case. Then I don't have to make the judgment call, even if it means I'm missing out on some women who really are what they claim to be.
modus's Avatar
  • modus
  • 05-23-2014, 10:18 AM
I would say my pimp radar is 25% accurate and even at that estimate I'm probably fooling myself.
I don't go looking to see if a dancer or provider is pimped. But once I am aware I choose to not see that woman in the future with very rare exceptions.

I had a sb who was also a dancer. At the end she changed her behavior so radically that I started to doubt. Sure enough a few Weeks later it fell into place that she had go back to being pimped. Indeed that relationship real fast
doug_dfw's Avatar
I get an instinct doing research and wishing to avoid managed, just for security- mine, I move on.. Sometimes that fails but the first few minutes and then the last few minutes of the visit always confirm, if not the duration, whether I am with an independent. That is not to say, I have not been with managed unknowingly.
I personally think it is more Eazy to figure out who is not managed than to wonder why/if she is managed. I know I have seen both and keep on wondering.