Thickness and Volume

I'm not referring to penises, per se. I am, in fact, referring to semen volume and viscosity. I personally prefer it when my ejaculate is more watery, as it feels like more is coming out and the orgasm is prolonged a bit more.

That's just me. I wanted to ask you ladies, which do you prefer when it comes to men's semen? Thick, watery, or do you just prefer not to touch it? I know a lot of people can be uneasy when fluids get on them. Same question for guys, do you prefer to ejaculate thick or watery? Idk why, I just thought I'd see what everyone had to say on the matter.
Now this should be a good post.
modus's Avatar
  • modus
  • 05-26-2014, 06:40 PM
Same question for guys, do you prefer to ejaculate Originally Posted by SES66065
FunInDFW's Avatar
I prefer it to be more airy. That way, it sounds like my penis is farting during orgasm. It's also funny to watch the condom blow up like a balloon.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
I prefer thinner more fluidy cum...not a fan of cum that has the consistency of that embryo thingy that's connected to the yolk of an egg. I always pick that nasty shit out. Yuck. Drink WATER guys. Stay hydrated.
gimme_that's Avatar
I like the chunky ones myself. Its a stronger orgasm. And feels better when she swallows it.

I usually get the watery ones between MSOG's.

Generally for ladies I like to see a more clear stream of cum. But if its thicker and white Id rather see a lot of it. No in between. If its not thin or thick when she squirts my mind thinks maybe its the last mans ejaculate..........
The biology is for the thicker, sticker semen. The purpose is to increase adhesion in the woman's vagina. Thus increasing the chances of impregnating her by having the semen remain inside the woman's body longer with the sperm its carrying..

Common myth: abstaining will increase semen volume. Truth: Up to a point. 1-2 teaspoons is the maximum amount you can build up to. That takes about 2-3 day of no activity to get to. After that, the excess amount of ejaculate is absorbed back in to the body. Sorry guys, no way to get beyond that amount. Simple biology takes over. Your body can only store so much.

While many things like smoking , drug use, poor nutrition, etc can diminish the amount of ejaculate, very little beyond proper hydration and lack of activity will bring volume to the maximum.

You can increase the strength of the force of your ejaculate. How? the muscles you use to stop urinating mid stream are the same ones used during an orgasm. By flexing and relaxing these muscles, you can build their strength and increase the intensity of an orgasm. Women already know about this one.

All these things get weaker as we age,. You can slow things down by taking care of yourself but getting old is hell.
I'm not referring to penises, per se. I am, in fact, referring to semen volume and viscosity. I personally prefer it when my ejaculate is more watery, as it feels like more is coming out and the orgasm is prolonged a bit more. Originally Posted by SES66065
A plus 10 for the prolonged 'gasms.
verygood69's Avatar
Mine are always prolonged. But I must say....I just LOVE to cum!!!!
I actually cum a lot (I hear "oh my God" quite often) it's usually pretty thick as well. But I think a lot of times providers view the forcefulness and sheer amount of cum to equate to how well they performed their job (the ones who care, at least). I think they all probably want to see copious amounts of forceful ejaculate in whatever form it is in. That's my take, but I maybe completely wrong.
OAN: Someone may get a kick out of this. I came so hard on one providers face it literally sounded like a slap, I apologized (I don't know why), she took it like a champ though and told me it was ok. She probably got a kick out of it as well. Lol, good times!
FunInDFW's Avatar
(I hear "oh my God" quite often) Originally Posted by dongeykong
You and every other gent... You and every other :lol
Is that common on the ejaculation part? Well maybe I am a victim of the infamous IOP. It doesn't really matter, good times!
I think every guy is different...Some have bad tasting thin cum, then others have thick cum that taste great..Its all about the guys diet,,,I just take it to the back of the throat, and swallow it all so I can avoid tasting it...Now, If it tastes good I crave it

I have never looked at it that closely, myself.