Question for the ladies

LA Man's Avatar
The wonderful sexy ladies from here that I have seen make me want more when I see them either in pics or in person! Granted more times than not they are dressed in a way to add to the moment since we are meeting for an appointment. One was dressing after our date to go meet a friend for lunch and put on a pair if workout tights and tight casual top that came down past her waist. I saw this and thought damn she looks sexy as hell even in regular daily dress. I have also run into two others out the hobby and thought the same thing.

So my question is do you mostly dress in eye catching wear or not when in public?e
I love dressing nicely, It improves my mood. However, I have many dress down days for when I am around town and taking care of chores and responsibilities. Mainly because I do not want to attract attention to myself in any way. Men stare, every where, all the time. I really wish ,men would understand that this is not wanted attention. I have been followed into a clothing store by some one that saw me in the parking lot and wanted to ask me out. That shit is creepy. Men do that all the time. A woman can not dress nicely and go run around town with out every single man she crosses paths with grunting, staring or making some type of gesture towards her. To be honest, it gets old.
LA Man's Avatar
Wow, I think I will wear blinders from now on. No more eye contact with women, no more opening doors for them, will be careful how I complement my dates attire, and only look her in the eyes. Hmmm sure will be tough since even most ladies in casual dress are very attention grabbing....Dri fit and tight tanks seem to be rampant.

I will now head to Perkins Row and work on my new public skills at lunch....
No need to be extreme, lol. Don't mistake manners for creep. That which I said was creepy, was being parking lot stalked to the point I felt I needed to walk faster Into the store. The person still followed me in and found me between the clothing racks. Lol, that's creepy.
I open doors for males and females indiscriminately. It's just common courtesy to not slam
a door in someone's face. Also a tip of the hat or a howdy mam nod is also acceptable. Please keep gauking, staring, following, and all grunts and whoops to yourself :-)
LA Man's Avatar
I only galk and grunt during extreme pleasure!

Bred, born, and raised in the South, take pride in being a Southern Gentleman. Matter of fact have been known to call out a few for their sny comments too and about ladies, damn thing now us some are getting to where they say it directly to the lady. What the hell kind of woman would take that as flattering???
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
So they just hired an extremely attractive girl 25 years younger than me in my RL job. It takes EVERYTHING I HAVE to look @ her face. EVERYTHING. And I know she notices. It's embarrassing for ME--I DON'T WANT to be the guy who gawks. I DON'T WANT to be the guy who stares. I DON'T WANT to be the creepy guy who gets the harassment complaint. I WANT to be the nice old guy who's helpful & not-awful to work with (outside of her looks--seems like a very nice, pleasant young woman; very professional & pleasant in her demeanor & attitude). But... MY GOD. Everything she wears is... snug. And it's a little hard not to notice that God was... very generous... when he built her in certain ways.
DallasRain's Avatar
My SO says men will stare at any lady they matter what they look like or how they are dressed...They will even stare at ugly women cause nobody can :turn away from a train wreck"!........It is just the "natural code of the dawgs"! lol

I,being an older lady who is still in good shape,try to dress nice everytime I go out anywhere {except my Ghetto}.......I get stares and comments alot {especially about my ass}.

It's not about being cocky...
I think of it as being self confident and proud of who I am and how I look.

Back in the "old days" people dress up to go everywhere....nowadays alot of people just dress ultra casual.I even see men wearing shorts & flipflops to church!

Whenever I go to Bourbon Street,I dress to impress...the sexiest.skimpiest clothes I can get away with without looking like a tramp!

My 3&half year old grandkid says "Nana you look cool,you going dancing??"!! lol
Dallas the next time we get together I will take you down for a tattoo. I want a pair of eyes tattooed above your snatch so we can see eye to eye more often. I know I am a DOM-Dirty old man....
DallasRain's Avatar
Dallas the next time we get together I will take you down for a tattoo. I want a pair of eyes tattooed above your snatch so we can see eye to eye more often. I know I am a DOM-Dirty old man.... Originally Posted by tucson
I generally wear jeans and a t shirt most of the time I like to be comfortable. I generally don't get the stalking guys are creepy stare I am very good at blending in i don't like to draw attention i'm pretty shy.
Precious a woman can wear a gunny sack and still men will look/stare/lust or just glance. Now on the other hand women notice other women also. Ask Dee she noticed the shoes when the men noticed things well above the shoes. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
DallasRain's Avatar
lol the first thing I notice on a woman is shoes!
LA Man's Avatar
Dee your ass gets recognized first by men and women!!
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
OK--I realize this may be the LEAST hetero-sexual thing in this thread so far... but I notice a girl's shoes too. Not that I don't check out everything else FIRST; I do: if you're a female I AM going to look at your ass, but... after the leering, I'm going to notice your shoes. Ironic--hate to wear them myself, and when I'm on a date w/an escort, totally could give a shit if she keeps 'em on; in fact, I'd prefer she not wear them. But RL girls? Oh hell yeah I look @ the shoes.
I stare at nice cleavage and really white teeth. I can't help it! Sometimes I see a striking lady and I will just tell her she is gorgeous. I'm not bi but I appreciate the beauty in women.

I think a lady would appreciate a genuine compliment rather than an awkward stare.