Fucking bitches sticking their stinky beaks in your business.
So a day ago I decided to post an ISO looking for a cute, beautiful provider to work with me as a couple on webcam as a side income for her. I clearly explained everything what it is and how it works without mentioning of course all the details which are yet to be specified. Things like location, pay dates etc. I explicitly made a comment not to have any bullshit responses and only seriously interested providers/girls to respond. I did this with my best of intention.
Next thing you know the "MILF" or should I say "FOWILF" SexiMaid69 that is old enough to be my mother, but for some strange reason still services men for income decides to "warn" girls of Tatasddd's comments and view on women and to be very careful if they decided to get into this.
Needless to say, the same group of old bitches I had problems with before followed suit to comment and "back" her. Those were " CharlieGirl", the fat-assed Athena, some other ugly as crap "Lauryn" totally unknown to me. The wide-assed "Just-Jenna" that doesn't show anything in her pictures but her thinking mug, guess why, because the camera's scope/range isn't wide enough to catch her ass in the picture and the former Dames' working girl "Callherwhatchalike" aka Samantha. Athena even went as far as to even explain to the girls that they could do this on their own and that since we are going to be a "couple" the money will go into my account so there wouldn't be even split.
Now, If "SexyGrandmother69" had not started this shit, probably others would not have followed her. She however did it. Perhaps , Athena being so strapped for cash and due to the lack of clients ( because what normal guy in his right mind will go to see this fat-assed oldie but for a quick HJ) would have made a word on it, but anyway that is not the point here.
The point here is: Who fucking bitches gives you the right to judge another person or stick your noses in his business? Are you jealous I have not been a customer of yours? Do you know why I have not? I think everyone with average intelligence can conclude why. You have cellulite. You are old, some of you old enough to be my mother but you are still servicing men because you are lazy to go and find real job and work every day like I do 5 days a week. If I were ever to be your customer, all you are good for is to have your fucking skulls fucked as shit like with a drill so hopefully that drives some fucking sense into your stupid minds. Look at how fat some of you are, how old some of you are, how allegedly "cute" or " the perverted librarian" some of you act like. If I were you I'd be ashamed of myself and go in hiding. I get an eyesore when I see pictures of you. Outdated by a decade pictures and nasty bodies and ugly faces and meat hanging down.
I have seen many providers in my life. Just to mention a few. SydnerStarr, SexySasha, Taytum, Vallyne, Peyton724, Kayley and dozens and dozens more providers. Who of these great girls ever came out and said a bad word about me stupid bitches, is what I am asking you? Therefore, what fucking right do you bitches have to judge me or tell other girls what they should or should not do?
I have NEVER in my life hurt a person , let alone a girl or an animal. Who gives you this fucking right again to do this and warn girls to be careful. To be careful of what?
The retarded Athena even went as far as to mention that the pay will not be split even. Stupid wide-assed , ugly-faced slut! Just to let you know NOT ONLY is the pay split even, but the girl gets 60 percent while I get 40. The girl has access to the money at any time and see her earnings. Again, who the fuck gives you the right to comment on shit like that?
Who the fuck gives you the right to all of you bitches to make comments on someone you don't even know and portray me as a gangster and a dangerous person?
I offer legal employment, I have everything set up and ready, I am honest and discrete and would NEVER take advantage of another person.
Before you talk about me, behind my back, take a look at yourselves and your fucking lives and what you do for a living. Not to mention what you do for a living is illegal.
The more shit you throw out about me, the more I will be getting on you.
I don't care that I might get points for saying this today, but I felt necessary to express my opinion. You bitches need to shut up. The best way to do so is to go and take yet another cock in your mouth, if some oldie is even willing to give it to you for a special of $60.
Thanks for reading everybody.
TitsTats, that was a real mouthful, even for you.
I am sooooo scared of some idiot who rides a fuckin bus to see his dates. What are you gonna do get a few buses and transfers to my incall? Even then you still won't know where I live. Dude seriously you are threatening the wrong chica. I know your real name, where you live, where you work, AND ALL your telephone numbers. AND you are makingPUBLIC THREATS, dumb dumb.. So IF something happens to me ...people know exactly who's doorstep to show up on! You have No One to blame for your alienation but YOURSELF. As for being old...LMFAO I am under 40 kumquat boy.. Now go stick that up your arse!
I am sooooo scared of some idiot who rides a fuckin bus to see his dates. What are you gonna do get a few buses and transfers to my incall? Even then you still won't know where I live. Dude seriously you are threatening the wrong chica. I know your real name, where you live, where you work, AND ALL your telephone numbers. AND you are makingPUBLIC THREATS, dumb dumb.. So IF something happens to me ...people know exactly who's doorstep to show up on! You have No One to blame for your alienation but YOURSELF. As for being old...LMFAO I am under 40 kumquat boy.. Now go stick that up your arse!
Originally Posted by TheeCharlieGirl
CG, I am NOT threatening anybody for your information. I simply expressed an opinion in resposnse to seximaid69's bullshit. You are the one threatening here , not me. If someone is dumb that is you here. Go take care of your cellulite and disfigured upper legs then talk to me.
CG, I am NOT threatening anybody for your information. I simply expressed an opinion in resposnse to seximaid69's bullshit. You are the one threatening here , not me. If someone is dumb that is you here. Go take care of your cellulite and disfigured upper legs then talk to me.
Originally Posted by tatasddd
No threats just letting you know IF YOU do something to harm me EVERYONE knows WHO did it.

As for my thighs...LMFAO!! you have NEVER seen me. I have over a hundred reviews that say you are a liar.
Before you talk about me, behind my back, take a look at yourselves and your fucking lives and what you do for a living. Not to mention what you do for a living is illegal.
The more shit you throw out about me, the more I will be getting on you.
Originally Posted by tatasddd
If that is not a veiled threat then I don't know what is dumb dumb. I am an escort. So what I do IS in FACT LEGAL.
No threats just letting you know IF YOU do something to harm me EVERYONE knows WHO did it. 
As for my thighs...LMFAO!! you have NEVER seen me. I have over a hundred reviews that say you are a liar.
Originally Posted by TheeCharlieGirl
CG very suddenly you started singing a different song eh? Listen, If you read my post I said something extremely important, but your reading is in through one ear and out through the other. You've got nothing between your ears but the spiteful intent to pointlessly and senselessly talk shit about me. The important thing you missed is that I've never ever in my life hurt a human-being, let alone a girl or an animal. If I've never done that why would I want to do anything to you? If you are asking me can I? I'll be honest with you. Yeah I can get you some "appointments" with LE easily. It is not very hard to. Will I do it? Never! It is time to realize I am not what you think and portray me as and leave me alone to be and enjoy my life and membership here. That is all I am asking you to do. I hope this time you understand it. I no longer plan to respond or communicate with you.
You get more bees with honey than vinegar....
Since I am a provider who has worked both in the webcam and the phone sex industry for myself and for other companies I do have first hand information which I shared on TOS. I have spent hours online researching the best way to make money online and those national companies where you have to provide your real info. and you spend countless hours chatting for FREE and doing teaser shows are just not worth it for me. I don't do anything for free. If I am working with someone the money would go into ONE account if you are listed as a couple. I know this because I have worked for the same company for 10 years.
If you didn't come off as a woman hater then I could see someone taking the plunge with you due to your experience in the webcam industry. You should know that there is a market for everything in the adult industry. Google, ssbbw, and you will find tons of sites with women of all sizes, ages, shapes working and making money. It is all in how you market yourself but you already knew that.
CALL ME CRAZY but if men on escort sites that call women derogatory names and make personal attacks then I would suspect a good portion of providers might not want to see or associate with them.
If you are asking me can I? I'll be honest with you. Yeah I can get you some "appointments" with LE easily. It is not very hard to..
Originally Posted by tatasddd
Again another THREAT and another very good reason for NO ONE in the hobby community in any capacity to trust you. Just saying you should really consider leaving me out of your bullshit. Had you not put my name all up in this I would not have had a reason to respond. Had you not threatened me I would not have had a reason to gather your real world info. I typically try to forget you but if you wanna keep pushing I'm going to push back. I will not allow you to verbally abuse me. I am not your mammy, I don't have to take your shit or like you.
You get more bees with honey than vinegar....
Since I am a provider who has worked both in the webcam and the phone sex industry for myself and for other companies I do have first hand information which I shared on TOS. I have spent hours online researching the best way to make money online and those national companies where you have to provide your real info. and you spend countless hours chatting for FREE and doing teaser shows are just not worth it for me. I don't do anything for free. If I am working with someone the money would go into ONE account if you are listed as a couple. I know this because I have worked for the same company for 10 years.
If you didn't come off as a woman hater then I could see someone taking the plunge with you due to your experience in the webcam industry. You should know that there is a market for everything in the adult industry. Google, ssbbw, and you will find tons of sites with women of all sizes, ages, shapes working and making money. It is all in how you market yourself but you already knew that.
CALL ME CRAZY but if men on escort sites that call women derogatory names and make personal attacks then I would suspect a good portion of providers might not want to see or associate with them.
Originally Posted by Goddess Athena
Dear Athena,
Out of courtesy, I will only respond to you once. I will only stop on one point. Believe me, I have seen so many providers that it is not an issue with me to see any one of those I've seen in the past. They are a text/email away. They do not need vouches. They know who I am and they know we have great time. When I have a choice of about 50+ girls in our region alone, I really do not need to search any more. Enough said. Just like with CG. I do not plan to respond to you or engage in endless convos. Nice talking to you. Have a good one.
EVERYONE watch the threatening talk. Threats and outing are taken very seriously on Eccie.
- BSer
- 06-05-2014, 04:58 PM
Well this escalated quickly.....
Pistoleros says behave. All Tatasdd wants to do is expand his business and create job growth.
I don't care that I might get points for saying this today, but I felt necessary to express my opinion. You bitches need to shut up. The best way to do so is to go and take yet another cock in your mouth, if some oldie is even willing to give it to you for a special of $60.
Thanks for reading everybody.
Originally Posted by tatasddd
So Tata, you can say what you want but they cannot state their opinion? Your hatred of women has been known for sometime, most of us are smart enough to know who you were beforehand. And your wrong about one thing, the ladies your mentioned would never lower themselves to do a special for $60. Don't for a second mistake that!
Dear Pistolero thank you for intervening. I promise you not to engage in this thread any more. I simply expressed an opinion on something that happened last night and I totally agree with BSer. I simply am looking into expanding a perfectly legal business. That is all. I will no longer respond to any comments on this thread.
Well this escalated quickly.....
Pistoleros says behave. All Tatasdd wants to do is expand his business and create job growth.
Originally Posted by BSer
Hi Bser, I love you!