NFL - Week 4

Boltfan's Avatar
Rather than hijack the specific cowboys threads I figure we can start a weekly thread to chat about the games, the good, the bad and the ugly.

My takes:

Early 1-2 teams can easily rebound - Chargers, Cowboys, Giants, Jacksonville, etc. all have some big wins and are no more than a game out of first place (Or tied for first in their division).

Top teams coming back to the pack - Steelers and Bears come back to the pack. Bears look horrible and Steelers lose a tough one at home. Indy can't beat Jags on the road.

Teams that could have pulled away - Titans blow an opportunity to drive for a win with the fumble. Cincinatti can't beat Cleveland.

Rams look good with Bradford (considering last season) and Lions are a hell of a fun 0-4 team to watch.

Bills, Panthers and 49ers just can't make anything happen although niners almost pull one out on the road.
flexywun's Avatar
can sum it up with one word pretty much.....parity.

Colts have lost 2 games already.

Bears looked pretty pathetic. and they were undefeated?

Chiefs only undefeated team? really?
I think it will be another week or two for some of the elite teams to seperate themsevles. Early going I think Pittsburgh and Green Bay look the more consistent. Jets will get healthy soon so could be even more dangerous.

Hoping my Boys continue from Houston game, but consistency the name of the game and not many teams are really showing that right now.
slims099's Avatar
Surprised about the Bears, honestly.

The Boys SHOULD win in Tennessee, but who knows. The Colts.. wtf is wrong with them, I guess defense??

Yes, the Jets do look dangerous, even though they beat a shitty team this week.
xperiment's Avatar
Go Vikings!

Rough start. I just hope the bye week gets them in sync.

On another note my fantasy team is about to go 4 - 0!
Boltfan's Avatar
I am not sure if the Jets are a smokescreen or not. Have their wins been quality? We haven't seen that the Patroits are world beaters. We know the Bills suck and should be stomped. The next quarter of the season will give us some better trends on how good teams like the Jets, Saints, Pittsburg, Ravens really are. I do know the Packers are fragile almost getting beat at home by the Lions and the Falcons almost lost at home to the niners. Gotta hold serve at home and if you really are a Super Bowl team you should be dominating these lowly teams.
MarcVerma's Avatar
Jets will be better with Revis, Holmes, and Pace.
Go Cowboys!
Jets will be better with Revis, Holmes, and Pace. Originally Posted by MarcVerma
By the way, I love your avatar. Love the situation.
slims099's Avatar
OMG, the Patriots?? Special Teams is going nuts! Wow!!
Boltfan's Avatar
Looks like the Dolphins are really pretenders. You can't give up special teams touchdowns at home and hope to compete. For those who thought 3 teams may come out of AFC East you may need to rethink that theory.

I still think we don't know everything we need to know about New England and New York. Both have wins against Miami and Buffalo and losses at home. Tough to measure.
Boltfan's Avatar
Go Cowboys?

With such concise analysis I feel like we have Dennis Miller back in the booth on MNF.
Go Cowboys?

With such concise analysis I feel like we have Dennis Miller back in the booth on MNF. Originally Posted by Boltfan
Haha, your so funny Bolfan! Go COWBOYS
Boltfan's Avatar

I couldn't find any of his rants from Monday Night Football but this one is genius enough.

But.... Back to Football.
A great NFL game should start with a great flyover!