Heres an idea for everyone!

If you have an issue with someone Go to the person! Don't email other people trash talking the person!

I'm an adult I can take whatever you have to say about me without getting angry! Try me just once! If you've ever had an issue with anything I've done on the board or in a session come to me! But please do not trash talk me to others!

Also don't call your buddies and try to out me to pd! I'm not a hard person to get along with!

Try it out just once! Take your issues to the person that caused them!
MuffinMan's Avatar
Well said Missy! Because WALDT, not everyone is not going to have the same experience. It seams that when a gentleman adds the tag.."Of coarse, YMMV" some how some people on the board take it to mean that it is code for something other than what it is. It means what it means. If the chemistry is just not there, but you're clean, charming and respectful (like me lol) and the lady is a professional, you get a good session.
What I'm trying to say is, even if the experience is less than what YOU expected, just put it in your review, but be respectful.

Missy, I don't exactly know what happened and I hope I didn't take your thread off on a tangent, but I thought this needed saying for both the ladies and the hobbyists.

I've had the pleasure of visiting Missy in the past and she is an honest provider who delivered a quality session...And that's about all you can ask for.

Flyboy576's Avatar
Missy is definitely the real deal... no question.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
The "gentlemen" that inspired Missy's rant will be kept under watch.

Folks, remember this is supposed to be fun. If you have a gripe with someone let them know PERSONALLY. It's bull shit to bash people via back channels.

Whatever happened I can vouch for Missy as being sweet, honest, and delightful to be with.
FYI.....due to some personal issues in her life Missy has decided to go VERY UTR and is no longer active on eccie, she told me those guys who she knows and trusts will know how it get in touch with her.
DallasRain's Avatar
tell her BEST OF LUCK from me!
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
I say again, the "gentleman" that inspired Missy's rant will be watched carefully.

Thank you to those that have contributed for keeping this thread from degenerating into a shit storm.