any lawyers on the board that can help me ?????

I am not in trouble but a friend is and would like to see if anyone on here can give me some advice. Thanks
Thanks got help, very appreciated now I know what to tell her when she calls me lol. Thank you
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Is it an offense to drive without a license in Texas?

Yes, Chapter 521 of the Texas Transportation Code requires all persons who operate a motor vehicle on a highway to carry a valid driver’s license. Violation of this provision results in a misdemeanor charge. Multiple or repeated offenses will lead to progressively more severe consequences. The penalties for violations are:
  • A fine of no greater than $200 for first time offenses
  • For a second violation within one year of the first offense, a fine ranging from $25 to up to $200 is imposed
  • A third conviction within one year of the second offense will result in a fine of up to $500, along with jail time of no less than 72 hours and no greater than 6 months
Are there any other consequences besides a fine?

Persons who are charged with driving without a license in Texas may have to pay other related fees and costs. For example, the state of Texas has instituted a Driver Responsibility Program which is mandatory for certain vehicle-related violations. This program entails a surcharge due yearly for up to three years. For the offense of driving without a license, the surcharge is $100 a year.

Restrictions may be placed on the driving privileges of the offender, such as having an existing license revoked. Driving without a license is a different offense from driving with a suspended or revoked license. They are both misdemeanors, although driving with a suspended license is generally a more serious offense with greater penalties.

Finally, some judiciary departments require that the defendant’s vehicle be towed and impounded, and the defendant would have to shoulder those costs as well.
oh hell thats not to bad lol, shes thinking shes going to prison lol they havent gotten her in to see a judge yet and its been 2 days but I told her thats normal for tx. I am sure/hoping shell be ok

Thank you sweets
FoulRon's Avatar
Is it possible that they'll stack driving without insurance on top of that? If they do, what's the additional damage?
And does she really not have a license, or did she just not have it with her? If the later, all she has to do is produce it in court and the judge should dismiss the charges. You have to be a licensed driver, but you don't have to carry it, though it's a good idea.
At least that's how I learned it, unless they changed the law in the last couple of sessions.
FoulRon's Avatar
Ok, went and re-read the statute. Yes, you are required to carry it, but if you show up in court with a license that was valid when stopped, the judge is supposed to dismiss the case, though court fees can be assessed.
Now the question is, was this discovered because she was involved in an accident? If so, all bets are off, and she needs a lawyer.
If she was just pulled over, you got to be extra careful with the cops. Once had a young lady worked the night shift for me who rolled through a stop sign on her way home at 2:00am. The damn cop then pulled her over every night for two weeks until we lodged a complaint with the department.
She doesnt have a license, and shes sitting in jail but I dont think shell be in there long so shell be fine as soon as she mans up, sorry but I keep it real with ALL my friends. She got pulled over for speeding and state trooper got her
She doesnt have a license, and shes sitting in jail but I dont think shell be in there long so shell be fine as soon as she mans up, sorry but I keep it real with ALL my friends. She got pulled over for speeding and state trooper got her Originally Posted by shayla84
Bail her out then.
yeah well I am not into bailing people out for there own stupidity, what lessons learned then. Not to mention she has a 10,000 bond and I will be damned if I pay 1000 for someone to get out of somewhere they will sit for a week. I put money on her phone to call me and just 10 mins ago put money on her books for commasary tomorrow. And thats as far as I go unless family or someone I have known for at least 5 years and good friends, really I have known her for barely a year so I am sorry, but not today
So whyd you ask like you were tyring to care?
because she gets no info in there, so she wanted me to find out if it was gonna be bad, why do I feel like I have to explain my self and defend my self so much on this board lately. New breed of people, lack of sex, pegged to hard and somethings stuck up there, what is it lately
Skip_8's Avatar
So whyd you ask like you were tyring to care? Originally Posted by Congratulations
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