
CD3's Avatar
  • CD3
  • 07-17-2014, 08:45 PM
So I was just curious, and trust me when I say it never killed this cat... >mind drifting<......mmmmmmmm (pro u feel me)

Pretend that a woman had infiltrated this site as a dude (which I'm told has happened) what if that handle became a moderator.....one that you ALL respected..(see how this is definitely make believe) prob couldn't happen I dunno the requirements to being crosswalk patrol whether it be The Voice calling you, or having to kiss+ the faculty, or or just be one of the cool kids and chosen by other cool kids...which is also why I wld never get to be CP. >grumbles quietly< the bastards. Hmmm...prob should not write on these things when I don't take my adderall.

Edited: what would you guys do then? And or has this ever happened? And no mfer I'm in the clouds.....
Ok !! Are you sure you are here on Earth ?
firelips's Avatar
Que Pink Floyd
CD3's Avatar
  • CD3
  • 07-17-2014, 09:43 PM
Squirrel! Originally Posted by Bad_Mojo
Great point.
Woman or man. Don't really care as long as the mod is impartial and fair with an ear for all sides when dispute occurs.
May be good to have a female mod

Wouldn't bother me a bit. Try it, baby....
And...we do have a female Mod: Elizabeth Whispers.
Let's ponder all this over a few martinis.
DownForWhatever's Avatar
Let's ponder all this over a few martinis. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
yeah....i'm down
Originaly Posted by Bad_Mojo -Squirrel!
And...we do have a female Mod: Elizabeth Whispers. Originally Posted by Prolongus

And Lea Madisson ,Kellytnt, Blaze among others.
One of eccie's owners is a female.
The owner of our old board, ASPD, was a female.
The cool kids are not here.

CD3's Avatar
  • CD3
  • 07-18-2014, 08:32 AM
I did not know there ever was a chick mod. Hmmm. Nice to know you guys can share the playground....

Thathotnurse pm me your number I accidentally erased before I could jot down. I asked tin man and he told me not to try to do you or something like that, wasn't paying..squirrel!
jimmylbob's Avatar
I would have a concern with moderator gaining position under false pretense. Otherwise, I posted here to say that your indignation is hot! ...and squirrel!
RideFreeInTexas's Avatar
and he told me not to try to do you or something like that Originally Posted by CD3
Wait, he told you NOT to do THN? We'll punish him for that later, but yes, you should by all means do THN. Also, video or it didn't happen.