october is sports month

Dannyphantom's Avatar
Is it just me or is October the best monthof the year for sports? We got baseball, basketball, and my favs hockey and football. Whos everyone rooting for? Im sure you're not all slaves to texas teams.

Go Bucs!
Go Magic!
Go Rays ( im aware they lost)
Go Lightning!
9pinBowler's Avatar
Steelers, Spurs & Rangers!
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Danny P based on your teams,I have to wonder why you're in SA. Recently visited Central Florida, great place and friendly people. Sorry to see the Rays eliminated too. Wonder why they don't get the support,maybe just too many options in Tampa/St. Pete.
Dannyphantom's Avatar
Aljan I'm originally from Orlando and served in Tampa so thats where i would love to be. However Uncle Suger's AF decided i want to be in san an so here i find myself. the problem with the the rays support is location. that stadium is buried in a hard to get to location and its not in tampa...st. pete is close but not convenient enough for somone living on the east bay to want to make that long haul.
Danny...Danny...Danny!!! Oh No, You Di-dn't go there! Here, you and Aljan can share this...sharing is caring! (wink, wink! lol)

Dannyphantom's Avatar
thats right nikki cause the cowboys are 1-3? and the Bucs are 3-1....women lie, men lie say what you want but the numbers dont lie.....lol!
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 10-15-2010, 06:26 PM
The Talladega race comes up on the last weekend...

NFL - whatever teams my fantasy players are on. lol. Or the Cowboys even though they'll finish the season w/ a losing record.

NBA - don't watch much, unless it's on at the bar I'm at.

MLB - any team playing against the yankees or the cards. But I'll still sport my retro Astro's gear.

NHL - don't watch much.
Well, Danny Boy...I'm not a fair weathered Cowboys fan! You gotta take the bad with the good...and pray to God that he remembers his own team! (lol)

NFL - Go Cowboys! Steelers as Plan B (lol)

NBA - Go Spurs!!

MLB - Go Rangers...yikes, NY just caught up!

NHL - Never been to a game...but I think the Penguins are kinda cute!
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 10-15-2010, 10:04 PM
Eastbound and Down - Go Charros!
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Now NIkki play nice or I'll have to spank you..(wink,wink)

NFL- any team that beats the Cowboys
NHL- the puck

Danny...Danny...Danny!!! Oh No, You Di-dn't go
there! Here, you and Aljan can share this...sharing is caring! (wink, wink! lol)

Originally Posted by Likinikki
Oh My Aljan...did you just post Spurs/Lakers in the same breath? Ok, I'll give you a break since you did put Spurs first! (lol) Hope you're having a good weekend!

Enjoy your weekend fellas!
wheels69's Avatar
NFL - Go Cowboys! Steelers as Plan B (lol)

NBA - Go Spurs!!

MLB - Go Rangers...yikes, NY just caught up!

NHL - Never been to a game...but I think the Penguins are kinda cute! Originally Posted by Likinikki
I'm with Nikki on the first 2

NFL - Dallas Cowboys
NBA - S.A. Spurs
MLB -Red Soxs
SpursFan's Avatar
Get a rope....