maybe I'm amazed !

I just saw absolutly the best looking vagina I have ever had the pleasure of burying my face in. No bs. I have seen some nice ones but. The labia the contrasting colors oh my god the darkness of her lips the vagina I always dreamed of yes the one from my dreams. Truth 100 percent I'm on a vagina high. !! She asked me to not write a review so she shall remain nameless she just had a new one today any way
DallasRain's Avatar
details babe!!! lol
details babe!!! lol Originally Posted by DallasRain
DallasRain's Avatar
Wow that is amazing babe!
Did he have a bald spot ?
livn2do's Avatar
Yeah. On his taint.
I have a bald spot . Hell its more than a spot . I think mine started from me scratching my head trying to figure shit out most of the time . Now it wont grow back . Fuck my fallin out hair the bastards jumped ship on my ass is how i see it . Mother F ing deserter,s .