O Where, O Where can MyGirlBailey Be...

Chuck10's Avatar
Sung to the music of this old classic


O where O where can MyGirlBailey be...Something done happened to take her away from me....Soooo I just gotta be good and maybe she'll come back to me real soon....lol
pickupkid's Avatar
Classic tune
scooterscuzz's Avatar
Sung to the music of this old classic


O where O where can MyGirlBailey be...Something done happened to take her away from me....Soooo I just gotta be good and maybe she'll come back to me real soon....lol
Originally Posted by Chuck10
Good luck with your search, it will be a difficult one
mayorcastro's Avatar
DirkDigglerSanAntonio's Avatar
She started a Bonn thread : http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1143389 Originally Posted by mayorcastro
I think someone has a little resentment they were not worthy enough, that or so far under SG's thumb. I just went back and searched every time you feel the need to bring her name up, and it is obsessive and very telling.

I thought I was Bailey?

Man, she must have many multiple personalities to use grammar on so many levels. Give it a rest STALKER.
I'm right here dude!
I mean... Erase the above post! How do I do that.

She started a Bonn thread : http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1143389 Originally Posted by mayorcastro
Seriously Castro. You have to stop outing me.
Where is that girl Bailey
Samcro84's Avatar
Her showcase is gone. Guess she got tired of all the BS drama. Great loss to use that got to see her. Wish her the best.
Chuck10's Avatar
Oh Man ....I never thought that I would meet another fantasy Girl....but Marjorie Steele is looking pretty good right now .....

Very Nice ...She's waiting ......lol..