You can freeze biscuits in the can

bojulay's Avatar
You can freeze biscuits in the can in case ya'll didn't know.
They wont bust open.

Bread freezes really well also, french bread, italian bread,
mrs baird's bread, wonder bread.

You can also save jars, pickle jars, pepper jars, etc,
and freeze stuff like soup in them. Just don't fill them
up to the top. Leave about an inch and a half head space
at the top, and put the lid on.

Hey, just trying to get the information out there.
This thread should be moved to the men's lounge.
pyramider's Avatar
Good to know ... for what reason I have no idea ...
bojulay's Avatar
Good to know ... for what reason I have no idea ... Originally Posted by pyramider
It's bait for any sucka brave enough to reply ha ha ha.
LazurusLong's Avatar
You can try to freeze just about anything.

Whether it can be used or eaten once thawed is a whole different story.

When I was very young, a sibling was told by "He who must always be obeyed or get an ass beating" to take the lettuce that was in bowls for a dinner and "put them in the freezer". HE meant on the freezer but not only must he be obeyed but the ass beating was worse if you dared ever question his orders.

Scratch lettuce off the list of things that can be frozen.
bojulay's Avatar
You can freeze corn on the cob too.

Just leave the husk on and put it right in the freezer.
Will be good for 3 or 4 years that way.
I always buy a bunch and freeze it when it's cheap at the market.
Freezing bananas and grapes make for a nice treat on a toasty summer day.

Skinning (the peel) a frozen banana takes a little time / patience but once done, a perfect addition to making a great fruit smoothie.
veggies should only be frozen for about 6 months, meat about a year, after that throw them away.
bojulay's Avatar
veggies should only be frozen for about 6 months, meat about a year, after that throw them away. Originally Posted by midgetwrestler
What chew talkin bout willis.

I have blackeyed peas and corn that's been frozen for over three years
and it's still perfectly fine.

You should always use vacuum seal bags for loose vegies though.
pyramider's Avatar
With all the power outages we have I would not keep anything in the freezer for very long.
cheatercheater's Avatar
Freeze leftovers and table scraps all together in zip lock bags. Then in the heat of summer, drop one in the chicken coop. Gives the chickens something to peck on but more importantly keeps them cool. Survival rate jumps tremendously.

Why are we talking about freezing food again?
You can peel a banana, put it in the freezer and once frozen, it makes a great popsicle.
bojulay's Avatar
Why are we talking about freezing food again? Originally Posted by cheatercheater
Because it's there.

Good info about the chickens, never thought of that.

You can freeze milk right in the carton also.
Say you're going on a long trip and you got nearly a
full bottle/carton of milk you don't want to spoil.
Just put it in the freezer.

Bulk meats. Save a lot of money buying bulk packages
Zip lock individual portions and freeze. You can save
a bundle on chicken that way.
pyramider's Avatar
You can peel a banana, put it in the freezer and once frozen, it makes a great popsicle, and an awesome taint cooling device. Originally Posted by Maggie_May
Completed your thought.
bojulay's Avatar
You can peel a banana, put it in the freezer and once frozen, it makes a great popsicle. Originally Posted by Maggie_May
That's hot!!

Can you take some pictures of a full demonstration
and post them here?