It's raining and he wants to play with no coat NEW 2 this what do I do ??

lotusflower's Avatar
after you met with a member more than once I am new to this and want to build up clientele but one is asking me and when he says baby we have seen each other a few times I'm a clean guy you see that I rally want to satisfy him as well as continue to see him what do I do
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-20-2014, 06:28 PM
It's you call about what risk you are willing to accept, but most ladies I know understand you can't tell those things by how he looks and would kick him out the door. And they don't have problems with return clients.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Raw Dog in 3-2-1....:jawdro p:
universalenergy's Avatar
Tell him to move to Ferguson.
DesertRunner's Avatar
Use that brain of yours... One customer isn't worth that.
It don't matter if its a monsoon season. Why put your life at risk just for money?
Cpalmson's Avatar
It is what you find to be an acceptable risk. For you, you're young. I'd be more concerned about getting knocked up vs getting a disease.

Here's a little secret you need to be aware of in this hobby, BBFS goes on far more than you would think. How you take that is up to you. With that in mind, BBFS is more likely to happen with repeat visits. He keeps coming back b/c there is something he likes. You keep seeing him b/c of what he offers. At some point, this question is going to come up. Like I said, it is up to you and your level of accepting a risk.
DallasRain's Avatar
after you met with a member more than once I am new to this and want to build up clientele but one is asking me and when he says baby we have seen each other a few times I'm a clean guy you see that I rally want to satisfy him as well as continue to see him what do I do Originally Posted by lotusflower
stay far far away!! Play safe!!!
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Have fun and be SAFE!
Condoms offer protection, but are not foolproof. If you start barebacking clients, you put not just yourself, but also the clients that come after, even if you use protection with them, at greater risk.

It is true that BBFS goes on in the hobby more often than most of us would like to admit. It is also true that many ladies will never permit BBFS, and their business does not suffer for it. If you offer good service, you should do fine without having to make this type of compromise.
after you met with a member more than once I am new to this and want to build up clientele but one is asking me and when he says baby we have seen each other a few times I'm a clean guy you see that I rally want to satisfy him as well as continue to see him what do I do Originally Posted by lotusflower
Only do what you're comfortable with, hon. Never let someone put pressure on you for this. Yes, the risk is a lot smaller than we've been led to believe after years of propaganda, BUT it is still a very real risk. Only you can make that decision.

But the fact that you're here makes me think you are uncomfortable with it. Once you start offering BBFS, I would imagine its easy to let it keep happening. If you never start it on the other hand, we'll ... less to worry about.

Cut off all contact with him immediately. PLAY SAFE AT ALL TIMES!!!!
Not worth the risk, it's as simple as that.
Jon[s]'s Avatar
As a client; can't do vag play sans condom.

Just can't.


Shocked he actually asked.
theboss21422's Avatar
If you don't wanna lose his business cause you won't go raw, maybe compromise by getting regularly tested while you two are dating