The Jaylen Memorial fund Please Read And Please Help

My name is Layla im doing this on behalf of my close family member she lost her 4 year old son this morning August 26th 2014. He had hydrocephalus and epilepsy. He had a seizure in the middle of the night and aspirated. She found his lifeless body at the end of her bed at 5 am and preformed CPR, he projectile vomited and was still lifeless and was not breathing and had no pulse. she called 911 and met them coming down the street as she ran with her lifeless baby dropped to the floor and just screamed please save my baby. She just lost her mother February 7th of this year only a week shy of my mothers 7th month of passing. She have no money and wants a decent service for her baby we are asking for any donations you can give rather it be 1 dollar to 100 dollars anything will help. I thank you in advance for reading this and any prayers or donations you can make will be a great help to our family. Please help us give Jaylen the proper service he deserves.
God Bless

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The Jaylen Memorial fund
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wellendowed1911's Avatar
Sad, but you may want to check your links- neither one is working
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Type in Jaylen Memorial Fund
It Will tell u how to donate from there
And Thanks Again
Sorry if u go to
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Type in Jaylen Memorial Fund
It Will tell u how to donate from there
And Thanks Again
syeira pink's Avatar
When I lost a family member 12 days ago, we used this site and it was a blessing.

Sorry for your lose and my prayers are with you and yours.
Thank you so much for the information I really needed that
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