Moment of Clarity

Gucci's Avatar
  • Gucci
  • 09-03-2014, 07:51 PM
I was with a provider with whom I'd converse with and share an occasional text with when she spoke of some hard times and asked to borrow money, being semi sensitive to the " situation " she said she was in I sent the money. Well a week or so later the same thing but this time I decided to question things a little more and then came the attitude and at that moment I had " my moment of clarity " if she does this to ten guys once a week, she can retire early. Now there are SOME providers who are really going through hardships but there seem to be more hustlers these days that are focused on the bs instead of the truth, but how can you tell the difference without making the good suffer for the bad ?
Money exchanged for services not rendered is redundant imo
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Congratulations on your epiphany!

Sorry. You cannot tell the difference. Even at the ripe old age of 21, some of these girls are soooo convincing.........And TOTAL BULLSHIT.
If someone is having a hard time and REQUESTS money from you my suggestion is to just have a nice long session with her so you know at least you got something out of it or find out what it's for and only pay IF she lets you pay it yourself in person.

I know in VA all traffic fines and the like were payable over the internet. Most places don't give a damn who is paying the bill only that is gets paid.
eyecu2's Avatar
Straight up con job. Confidence players, men or woman are con artists and can read quite easily who a mark is just like normal people read a book. They test generosity and trust at first and then go for bigger and bigger requests. I recommend that money given has to have conditions, aka hj, cfs, bbbj etc. once a person is in the hobby as Glen Frey sings, "the lure of easy money has a very strong appeal." Just book another session and tell her she needs to help you since you helped her. Put it against your Tab! And don't lend money to hookers.
I had a girlfriend who was always in need of money.... and I never had an issue with helping her out but... if she tells me she is needing money for her kids school clothes, I take them shopping myself... if she tells me she needs a plumber, I send mine to her house and I pay him myself....
Of course hobby life and real life SHOULD by all means remain separate... but she is asking you to help her with her finances, then she had already crossed that line. If you feel sensitive enough to want to help, make sure your money is going where it is suppose to be going.... if she's late in rent, pay the land lord from your hand into the landlords hand.
FoulRon's Avatar
As Rikki Lee Jones says: "there ain't no such thing as easy money".
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, you might think it is noble of you to help out, but it is unwise to lend money to people you do not know well.

This is a corollary to "Do not cast your pearls before swine".

. . . The way this imperfect world is structured, the good have always suffered for the misdeeds of the bad. Do you remember when you could breeze through the airport and hop on a plane and fly away without much hassle? Now, you get searched, questioned, patted-down and X-rayed before you can even get to the depart terminal. You know how we came to this sad state of affairs, don't you?

I have the same thought here as I do toward the panhandlers. No one NEEDS cash. I will give a homeless person water, food, whatever they need, but never cash.

Never loan money. Either consider it a gift and never expect it back, or keep it in your pocket. You can't get burned this way. This should apply to everyone in your life, IMHO, not just escorts.

And on a side note, HOW do ladies get so broke so often in this business?! I get that there are ups and downs, but if you're not making more than you would at a regular job... enough to keep up with your bills and sock money away for hard times... then just go get a job, because this obviously isn't working for you.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Never loan money. Either consider it a gift and never expect it back, or keep it in your pocket. You can't get burned this way. This should apply to everyone in your life, IMHO, not just escorts. Originally Posted by CarolineDavenport
This. Even in real life, there are plenty of friends that want to "borrow" money from you and never pay it back. Don't lend out anything you can't afford to just throw away, essentially.

And on a side note, HOW do ladies get so broke so often in this business?! I get that there are ups and downs, but if you're not making more than you would at a regular job... enough to keep up with your bills and sock money away for hard times... then just go get a job, because this obviously isn't working for you. Originally Posted by CarolineDavenport
You see a similar phenomenon with strippers. People in general tend to spend what they make without a care for the future. Combine that with this being a business that one can get into with relatively little education / training and pays high dividends, I can see how it can attract people who don't handle their personal finances that well.
john_deere's Avatar
I have the same thought here as I do toward the panhandlers. No one NEEDS cash. I will give a homeless person water, food, whatever they need, but never cash.

Never loan money. Either consider it a gift and never expect it back, or keep it in your pocket. You can't get burned this way. This should apply to everyone in your life, IMHO, not just escorts.

And on a side note, HOW do ladies get so broke so often in this business?! I get that there are ups and downs, but if you're not making more than you would at a regular job... enough to keep up with your bills and sock money away for hard times... then just go get a job, because this obviously isn't working for you. Originally Posted by CarolineDavenport
Gucci's Avatar
  • Gucci
  • 09-04-2014, 04:29 PM
And on a side note, HOW do ladies get so broke so often in this business?! I get that there are ups and downs, but if you're not making more than you would at a regular job... enough to keep up with your bills and sock money away for hard times... then just go get a job, because this obviously isn't working for you.[/QUOTE]

That's something I always thought about if you're making 250-400 an hour session, even at one client a day is a nice living it's 100K plus a year. I know because I make 40 an hour and I make 100K plus a year so why is someone who makes what I make broke ? Fast money is easily mismanaged, but some people need to realize that that life doesn't last forever and screwing over people just because will eventually leave you stuck out when you really do need help
Wakeup's Avatar
...just go get a job... Originally Posted by CarolineDavenport

The rest was just fluff...beautifully coherent fluff...but still fluff...
john_deere's Avatar
That's something I always thought about if you're making 250-400 an hour session, even at one client a day is a nice living it's 100K plus a year. I know because I make 40 an hour and I make 100K plus a year so why is someone who makes what I make broke ? Fast money is easily mismanaged, but some people need to realize that that life doesn't last forever and screwing over people just because will eventually leave you stuck out when you really do need help Originally Posted by Gucci
your math isn't very good. 400 an hour, assuming one 1-hr appointment per day, 5 days per week for 50 exactly $100k.