Treatment for Tiger

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Is he really sorry or really sorry he got caught?

Hey Elin, if you are needing a revenge fuck, pm me here.

notanewbie's Avatar
DJ I would happily follow you AND eagerbeaver for that revenge business.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 01-21-2010, 06:57 AM
Is he really sorry or really sorry he got caught?

Hey Elin, if you are needing a revenge fuck, pm me here.

Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN

Always remember guys, no matter how FINE she may be, someone is tired of fucking her.....................
internet_inventor2's Avatar
Rehab, he likes P---y and from different sources, everyone on this board needs to go then, lol.....
A perp caught can be sorry (filled with regret) and sorry he was caught (regretting he did not quit beforehand). Addicts of any drug find themselves powerless to control the urges without some intervention with therapy aimed at behavioral modification; and healing of core beliefs with integrity therapy.

Why else will the wealthy be caught shoplifting, repeatedly? It is not so much about the product purloined as the fantasy of renewing the hunt, the chase itself with the inherent risk, the ritual of where one goes and with whom or finding someone / something new, the thrill of anticipation, the rush of completion, the buzz or afterglow . . .

Why else would . . . ? You know where this line of thought leads.

Read Patrick Carnes' Out of the Shadows if you wish more insight to the core beliefs all addicts share for whatever is their drug of choice (alcohol, gambling, narcotics, sex, love/relationship, nicotine, shoplifting, etc); and regards a general path from the hell of addiction to health.
dick gizinia's Avatar
If sex addiction were a real affliction I would open up a chain of clinics across the country and they would be like Starbucks on every corner. Give me a f----ing break!!!
Sex addiction treatment is the "in" thing. There is a reality show on the subject with Dr. Drew. While dealing with my own demons, my therapist said she thinks that most people with substance addictions also have sex addictions. I told her I thought she was FOS.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
Tiger needs to tell the world to fuck off and go win a few golf tournaments. Then invest his winnings in a high end lawyer, hookers, booze, party favors, and a two week binge in Las Vegas.
boardman's Avatar
Tiger needs to tell the world to fuck off and go win a few golf tournaments. Then invest his winnings in a high end lawyer, hookers, booze, party favors, and a two week binge in Las Vegas. Originally Posted by texasjohn1965
Isn't that what John Daly did? I'm just sayin'
Heck, I think he did all that at just a Hooters once
I find it ironic that people in this hobby would take stabs at Tiger Woods.
The only permanent treatment for sex addiction is cutting 'it' off. There are a lot of temporary cures!
pyramider's Avatar
Its merely a lame PR move. Go to rehab and get forgiveness from the masses. Other celebs do it.

Just think what it took to stay that focused as a golfer and juggle all those women for that period of time and maintain it all. Tiger is The Man.
The only permanent treatment for sex addiction is cutting 'it' off. There are a lot of temporary cures! Originally Posted by gnadfly
The greatest pain of the sex addict comes not from 'it' but from the mind, from which all sexual feelings arise. There is no cure.
As with any of the AA '12 Step' approaches, once an addict always an addict. It is a life . . .
I will not elaborate.
There are no 'cures.' There is hope.
If you want help, google SA (Sexaholics Anonymous) or SAA (Sex Addicts Anonymous).