Camo Lingerie

atxbrad's Avatar
Well its hunting season and Im looking through the Bass Pro Shops Catalog when I run accross some camo lingerie. I never thought camo was attractive before but I guess things have changed, so I rub one off with the help of my friends at Bass Pro Shop and now Im thinking.

Any of you ladies have any Camo is the season, ya know.
Sounds sexy!
TopWhop's Avatar
Your load just added to the effect of the suit LAMO !!!! Who helped you Brad? Location was in store or parking lot? Inquiring minds need to know!
nuglet's Avatar
Didn't Prince do a song that this camo outfit would work with? Pussy Patrol?
Kind of a "special ops unit" I would guess...
atxbrad's Avatar
Who helped you Brad? Location was in store or parking lot? Inquiring minds need to know! Originally Posted by TopWhop
Guess I should of been more was a mail order catalog at the house.